Mama's Home Remedies: Discover Time-Tested Secrets of Good Health and the Pleasures of Natural Living
considered the father of medicine, widely prescribed milk as a treatment for kidney and cardiovascular disease, stress, and stomach problems. He also advised people to drink milk for earaches, anxiety, headache, or nervous disorders. The ancient Egyptians were certain that sick people who bathed in donkey milk would be ener- gized and better able to fight their illness.
    Many years ago in Russia, people with various diseases traveled to Moscow from many cities throughout Europe to seek the medical advice of Fedor Stop Sneezes and Sniffles and Stifle a Cold @ 69
    Inozemtsev, a medical doctor who was using a “magical” natural medicine to cure his patients. When they learned what his “miracle” treatment was, they were greatly surprised. Dr. Inozemtsev’s magical natural medicine was milk—
    created by Nature.
    Force the flu to fly away
    Generally flu begins with a stuffy nose, followed by fever, headache, pain in the legs and back, and a cough. Flu can be dangerous because it can develop into bronchitis or pneumonia. The body’s immune system can become weak at this time and if the condition goes undetected and is not treated properly, it can provoke nephritis (kidney inflammation) or negatively affect the liver. Remember: For faster recovery from the flu and nasal congestion: R 57. Take 1,000 mg of vitamin C to block additional infection. R 58. Take a laxative and induce perspiration. Combine three teaspoons each of leaves of linden, mint, and raspberry in a glass jar with two cups of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey. Drink this strong herbal tea and go to bed, covering yourself with a heavy blanket. You wil be bathed in sweat, so stay warm and al ow the toxins to be released through your pores via your perspiration.
    R 59. Use a chamomile enema, made with one teaspoon of chamomile to one cup water, once a day for two to three days to flush toxins from the body. Be sure to drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water during the day.
    R 60. Begin a three-to six-day fast, during which you drink chamomile and rose hips teas throughout the day. When you break the fast, maintain a diet of fruits, vegetables, and juice for the next three to four days, making sure that you eat plenty of carrots.
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    Mama’s Home

    R 61. Grate a medium-size onion and mix with one pint of scalded milk. Steep 20 minutes in a warm place. Take “Onion Milk” hot before bed. If you cannot drink the whole pint of this medicinal drink, take half in the evening and the second half in the morning. Keep it refrigerated and heat before use the next day.
    “Onion! Any disease is treated in your arms,’” says an Asian proverb. A Russian proverb salutes the vegetable with “Onion is a healer of seven diseases.”
    In the Middle Ages doctors already had a strong opinion that even the smell of an onion can help prevent any disease. This is true because an onion contains volatile substances: a high percent of phytoncides acts ruinously against putrefactive pathogenic microbes. Do you know that it is enough to chew a piece of an onion for three minutes and all bacteria will be killed in the mouth? As a first aid remedy, onion is effective in many different health problems. For example, if you cut a fresh slice of onion and put it on insect stings or you apply it on the area affected by nettle rash caused by food allergies, you will get fast relief. The onion is rich with vitamins C, B, and PP and in carotene, glucose, protein, and essential oils.
    Hard-working Egyptian farmers cultivated
    onions, but priests declared the onion a sacred
    plant and did not use it for food because the modest onion was a symbol of the moon and eternity. The lower classes, however, revered the onion as a
    wonderful addition to their food. It was recognized
    as a remarkable stimulant for increasing efficiency
    and energy.
    Four thousand years ago construction workers who built the largest pyramid in

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