Mama's Home Remedies: Discover Time-Tested Secrets of Good Health and the Pleasures of Natural Living
a napkin. Combine with two pounds of organic brown sugar in a blender and whip. Store the mixture in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Drink hot herbal tea, chamomile, linden, mint, raspberry, green tea, or a blend of Indian and Ceylon teas or a glass of warm milk and eat two to three teaspoons of Black Sofia cream. It is a simple remedy, which is also helpful when recovering from colds, tonsil itis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, headaches, and nervous disorders. Stop Sneezes and Sniffles and Stifle a Cold @ 67
    R 50. Wash one tablespoon rose hips and combine with 16 ounces boiling water. Boil 10 minutes, cool, filter, and add one tablespoon honey. Mix and drink four ounces three times a day. R 51. To make our family drink, Sweet Kiss, you wil need one cup grape juice, 24 ounces spring water, four ounces red wine, (Cabernet Sauvignon), four tablespoons organic sugar or honey, and one grated lemon or orange peel. Bring spring water to the boiling point and add sugar or honey and orange or lemon peel. Boil three to five minutes, cool, filter, and add grape juice and red wine. Pour the liquid from the pot into a glass pitcher. Drink one cup once or twice a day for your recovery and pleasure. R 52. Cherry Milk. Combine one quart of milk with one cup of cherry syrup (carried in supermarkets and health food stores) and one quart of mineral water (S. Pelegrino, Perrier or other). Mix and drink 8–24 ounces a day to cleanse your internal organs.

    Natural raspberry and strawberry drinks also help to cleanse internal organs.
    R 53. Juice 24 ounces of strawberries or raspberries. Add the juice of two lemons, one cup of sugar or honey, and three quarts of mineral water. Mix and drink one cup two or three times a day. R 54. Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s Old World Sore Throat
    “Tonic.” Sunshine in smal doses can be healthy for you. Every day take a seat or lie down on a blanket in the bright sun for five minutes. Face the sun with your eyes closed and your mouth open widely. Sunbeams wil penetrate the throat and heal it with its natural warmth and ultraviolet rays. Try this for two weeks. R 55. In Russia wild marjoram (this herb is caled dushitsa ) is a oneof-a-kind nectariferous herb which serves as a pungent tonic, 68 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies
    and stimulant. It is a great healer of a sore throat. Combine two tablespoons of wild marjoram with one quart of boiling water. Steep for five to seven minutes. Filter and drink four ounces five to six times daily.
    R 56. Cow’s milk is a great natural healer for people who are not alergic or oversensitive to food irritants. Drink one cup of milk a day. Ivan Pavlov, a world-famous Russian physiologist and experimental psychologist and a Noble Prize laureate in physiology and medicine, said that milk is a product that is perfectly composed by Nature. The health benefits of cow’s milk have often been debated in the United States. Many people are lactose intolerant and cannot consume milk in which the lactose has not been removed, but milk has been applauded since ancient times for its healing power. Of course, in ancient times, cows were not given growth hormones and did not eat grass sprayed with pesticides and other chemical “innovations” in powder or liquid form. Fortunately today we can buy organic and lactose-free milk and milk products, which can be used in the many natural medicine recipes throughout this book that list milk as an ingredient. More than 2,500 years ago in ancient Greece the young son of a rich man became sick with kidney disease. His father sought a healer for his son and invited a well-known physician to his home. This healer’s name was Hippocrates. Hippocrates prescribed donkey’s milk dissolved in water three times a day for 10 days for this young man.
    Ten days passed and Hippocrates then prescribed cow’s milk to combat the boy’s illness. Following the advice of Hippocrates, the son fully recov- ered. Hippocrates, who was

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