Malachite (The Jewels of Texas Historical Romance Series Book 5)
her to a blushing, stammering child.
    “It’s no trouble.”
    She glanced at her two daughters, who were silently pleading, and at Birdie, who was watching her expectantly. How could she deny them? “All right. If you’re sure you don’t mind. When their school day is over, if you’re not ready to bring them home yet, they can stay with Carmelita until you finish your work at the ranch.”
    He nodded, while the girls broke into wide smiles.
    “Mama.” From upstairs came April’s plaintive cry.
    Millie hurried away, then returned minutes later to fill a glass with water, before climbing the stairs once more.
    As she sat on the edge of her daughter’s bed, a shadow fell over them and Millie turned to see Malachite standing in the doorway.
    “What is it?” she asked.
    “Your daughters tell me that April has suffered from these fevers for a long time.”
    Millie nodded.
    “I brought something that might help.” He held out a small packet.
    Out of the corner of her eye she saw her daughter cringe. “I’m... not sure. What is it?”
    He took a step closer. “Dried herbs. My mother, Evening Star, was the healer of our village.”
    At her hesitation he said gruffly, “A sprinkle of thistle, a handful of wormwood, a smattering of cow dung.”
    “Oh dear.”
    He opened the packet and sprinkled some in her glass of water. “I couldn’t help teasing. Don’t be afraid. They’re simple herbs. I promise you, they’ll help.”
    Though April lifted pleading eyes to her mother, Millie held the glass to her lips. “It won’t hurt to try, honey.”
    When she saw that she couldn’t win the argument, the little girl closed her eyes and drained the glass. When her eyes opened, there was a look of surprise in them.
    “Was it awful?” Millie whispered.
    “Not... not so bad,” she admitted after Malachite walked away.
    Minutes later the others gathered in the doorway.
    “I’ll take your slate to school so Miss Pearl can check your sums,” May offered.
    “And I’ll ask Miss Pearl to write your new spelling words alongside mine on my slate.” June was not about to be outdone by her older sister.
    “Oh, no,” April moaned. “I just remembered. I was supposed to take care of Amber today while Miss Pearl worked with June and Daniel on their new words.”
    “Don’t worry,” Birdie assured her. “Gil and I can take care of Amber.” She was secretly pleased at the thought of working closely with Gil.
    They fussed and fretted over April until Millie finally announced, “All right, girls. It’s time to go.”
    They trailed her down the stairs. At the back door she kissed her daughters goodbye and watched as they climbed into the back of the wagon with Birdie. Malachite tied his horse to the back, then climbed to the driver’s seat.
    With a wave they were gone.
    Minutes later April moaned and called for more water. As Millie hurried to her side, she found herself wondering how many trips she would make up and down these stairs before the day ended. And just what herbs were in that packet of Malachite’s. Perhaps it was best if she never knew.
    * * *
    “Afternoon, Millie. Something smells good.”
    Millie, stirring a pot of soup at the fireplace, whirled around, looking slightly frazzled. “Good afternoon, Byron. You don’t usually stop by for lunch.”
    “I rarely have the time. But I thought it would give me a chance to see you alone.” He smiled and stepped closer.
    Just then the back door opened and Arlo Spitz called, “Hope I’m in time for lunch.”
    Millie gave him a smile. “Right on time, Deputy. Come on in.”
    He snatched off his hat and headed toward a basin and pitcher of water on the other side of the room.
    While Arlo washed, Byron frowned at this intrusion. When Arlo was done, he made his way to the dining room, leaving the two alone.
    Byron studied Millie while she worked. “I’d like to talk to you now, Millie.”
    “All right.” She lifted down bowls and began ladling

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