Make Room for Your Miracle

Make Room for Your Miracle by Mahesh Chavda, Bonnie Chavda

Book: Make Room for Your Miracle by Mahesh Chavda, Bonnie Chavda Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mahesh Chavda, Bonnie Chavda
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us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (see Philippians 2:12). One of the ways we do this is to keep our hearts from darkness. Here is a way to help you picture this.
    Suppose a demon comes along looking for a place to settle. Now suppose you have a pool of bitterness in your heart. It may be very small, but it is a bitter pool and is, therefore, a place that the demon can drink out of. A demon feeds on pain, and it will stick its little bucket down there as long as you give it access to drink out of your anger, bitterness, insecurity, jealousy, habitual sin, etc. It will keep drinking, and will call its buddies to come, and will ultimately set up shop and be dancing on your head.
    The Lord is saying, “Keep your heart.” Your spiritual health is determined by how well you choose to keep your heart free from these sins. As the Lord brings things to the surface, allow Him to deal with them—and show them no mercy. The Israelites were often told when conquering a new land to show no mercy. It is the same principle.
    I, Bonnie, think that in my life, looking back, I often undertook a strategy of girding myself with an army of resources— prayer and fasting, disciplining myself, reading Scripture, getting support from outside, making battle plans against this stronghold to try to get victory in a certain area—when the simple thing would have been to go close off the well.
    How do you do that? Look to the cross that sweetens every bitter pool. The cross is the highest reality. Through the cross Jesus spoiled the powers of darkness and delivered us from its bondage. Crucify the flesh and move forward into faith.
    Remember, start with the facts : The Bible is our guide; our circumstances are not. Next move to faith , which believes and acts on the facts. Only then comes feeling . So instead of letting our emotions be pulled down into the mire of those bitter pools, we keep our hearts clean by basing our feelings on fact and faith rather than perception.
    Enforce the Victory
    There is an enemy. God wants us to be aware that a battle is being fought and there are principalities and powers with which we must contend. But if God is for us, who can be against us? We could paraphrase this to say, if God is for us, it does not matter who is against us. There is a battle being fought, but we are overcomers.
    I, Mahesh, took part in a crusade in Brazil, outside of Rio, and several people told me with great concern of the big principalities and powers of witchcraft that had hold over that area. Did they think that would make me afraid? God had sent me. I was not going to be afraid of those things. Of course not. And we added names to the Lamb’s Book of Life and saw some awesome miracles.
    One woman, for instance, had been shot in the spine during a holdup in her store. Her spinal column had been traumatized, and she had been confined to a wheelchair for five years. She lived about nine hours from Rio by car, but her family flew her in. She had little kids, and when they saw me praying for their mom they started crying, having seen her paralyzed for five years.
    I felt the glory and I said, “God is up to something, honey.”
    Well, I did not know what had happened because I flew back pretty soon after that. The Brazilian pastors brought me the report that she is now walking. She has to have a little help from a cane from time to time, but she is up and moving. If God is for us, who can be against us? We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
    Colossians 2:15 says, “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” Jesus triumphed over every principality, over every power. The war has already been won; we are enforcing the victory. Wherever we are, we are ambassadors of heaven and we enforce the victory of the Lord Jesus. Nothing can separate us from God’s love and God’s victory. That is the realm in which we live—the

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