Major Misconduct (Aces Hockey #1)

Major Misconduct (Aces Hockey #1) by Kelly Jamieson

Book: Major Misconduct (Aces Hockey #1) by Kelly Jamieson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Jamieson
frustration as she burrowed into the covers and pulled them up to her chin. So, fine, he was trying to do the right thing, but he didn’t need to be so mean about it.
    She squeezed her eyes closed.
    She just wanted to have fun—hot, sexy fun with an attractive guy. She wasn’t looking for anything more. What was so wrong with that?
    As usual, her big brother was standing in the way of that. She loved Duncan, but her whole life she’d taken a backseat to him. And yet, here she was, crashing on his couch. She’d created this situation and she would have to deal with it.
    The reality was, she had nowhere else to go. She had some savings, but without a steady paycheck she needed to hang on to that money. If she was going to stay here with Duncan, she was going to have to play by his rules.
    She rolled over and buried her face in the pillow.
    There was chemistry between her and Marc, no doubt about it, and he probably didn’t want to piss off Duncan, but there was also the possibility that he saw her as Duncan’s screwup little sister who couldn’t hold down a job or keep a man and didn’t know what she wanted out of life. He was a respected professional, captain of the Aces, paid millions of dollars, and loved by hockey fans all over North America. Why would someone like him be interested in her, even if all she wanted was a little fun? Oh right. He didn’t do fun.
    Well, she had no intention of settling for anything less than fun. She could figure out what she wanted from life and work hard at that, and have fun at the same time. She’d just have fun with somebody else.
    They all slept in the next morning, although when Lovey finally got up, she heard the sounds of a television in Marc’s room as she shuffled into the bathroom. He’d probably been awake for hours and was afraid to come out of his room in case she tried to jump him.
    She washed her face and brushed her teeth, gathered her hair up into a messy knot on her head, didn’t bother with makeup, and then went into her room to get dressed. She pulled on another pair of leggings, patterned knit ones, and a big loose sweater, today a black one. She added a scarf looped twice around her neck and sat on the floor to put on socks. Then she emerged to hunt down something for breakfast.
    She cast a baleful look at Marc’s door as she passed it. Should she let him know she was up and he could safely come out? Nah.
    Duncan was in the kitchen making toast and drinking orange juice.
    “Morning,” she said.
    “Hey. Sleep okay?”
    He lifted an eyebrow at her sarcastic tone. She skipped the juice and went straight for coffee, frowning at the numerous slices of bread Duncan was spreading with peanut butter. She opened the fridge door and peered in. “Can I have one of those Greek yogurts?”
    “They’re Marc’s, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
    “I’ll go shopping later and buy him a replacement.” She slammed the door shut and rummaged for a spoon. “And I’ll get some things for myself. This place is a carb castle.”
    “We eat lots of protein,” he objected. “Just usually at the arena.”
    “Or in a restaurant. But since you both make so much money, I guess that’s not an issue. I’ll get myself some chicken breasts, fish, and veggies.”
    “Uh…you sure you slept okay? You sound kinda bitchy today.”
    She gave him a slitty-eyed look. “Bitchy?”
    “Uh…no, no, I mean…”
    “I’m fine,” she snapped. She spooned up some of the yogurt and honey. “What are you doing today?”
    “Uh…not sure. I thought you and I should have a talk…” His voice trailed off as she leveled him with another look.
    “About what?”
    “About your plans. Uh…why you quit your job…what happened with Richard…”
    She continued to hold his gaze.
    “Maybe this isn’t a good day.”
    “Or maybe never is a good day.”
    “C’mon, Lovey, I’m just concerned about you.”
    “I’m fine.”
    “Mom and Dad are

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