Maikoda: Power of the Moon (Blue Moon Trilogy Book 2)

Maikoda: Power of the Moon (Blue Moon Trilogy Book 2) by Adrianna Morgan

Book: Maikoda: Power of the Moon (Blue Moon Trilogy Book 2) by Adrianna Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianna Morgan
noticed the quiet. No birds or squirrels singing or chattering. The hair on her neck tingled and the girl’s eyes shifted to something over her shoulder. Without thinking, she ducked and spun around like Martin had taught her. The air moved in front of her as the Were behind her missed her by inches. The already transformed Were glared at her, his mouth opened wide to reveal long fangs dripping with saliva. 
                  He stood to his full height and growled deep in his throat, licking his lips. Her own lips curled in distaste. She could sense his bloodlust from where she stood and instinctively knew this would not end well. One eye on the girl and the other on the Were, she maneuvered her body to keep him in her line of sight. She had to make sure that the Were did not harm the girl, who was standing still in shock.
                  The girl looked over at the Were. “Okay. I did what you guys wanted. I brought her here. Can I go now?” 
                  Rage coursed through Layla and she almost transformed on the spot. Only a willpower she didn’t know she had stopped her from shifting and changing into her beast. She had to transform when he was distracted or he could attack her before she was completely Were. And although the little bitch had set her up, she was certain he was not alone.
                  The girl sounded scared and Layla almost felt sympathy for her. Almost. The Were focused his attention on the girl as she started to sob and Layla used his momentary distraction to transform.
                  In an instant, hair covered her arms as her bones cracked and rearranged themselves. She stretched, her jacket ripping in the process, the sound bringing the Were’s attention back to her and took a deep breath, gathering priceless information in the simple act. 
                  Two others lurked in the wooded area behind her. She feigned ignorance and kept her eyes on the attacking Were; her sense of hearing and smell would keep her informed of the two at her back.
                  The Were chuckled as he watched her and suddenly she recognized him. It was the one from her apartment a month ago. The one sent by Kuruk to threaten her before she had learned to control her powers. She smiled at him in recognition and he growled.
                  “New message?” she asked curtly.
                  He snarled. “No, this one is just for fun.” He lunged at her and she ducked, whirling at the last moment to swipe at him but he quickly moved out of the way, her claws rending only air.
    “It won’t be that easy this time,” he smiled, lips curling back over his overly large teeth. 
                  Layla shrugged. “Maybe not, but I’ve learned a few things since the last time I kicked your ass.”
                  He snapped at her, his patience at an end and lunged again. 
                  She held her ground, moving at the last possible second and executed a spin her old dance teacher would have been proud of. She sliced the Were across the back, her claws sinking deep into his flesh as he roared in pain and dropped to one knee. 
                  The girl cowered near the ravine, her hands pressed to her ears as tears streamed down her face. Layla had no time to feel sorry for her especially when her own actions had them in this predicament. She could only hope she would be able to get them out of there alive and in one piece.
                  Before she could move to finish off the Were she was fighting, one of the others leapt out of the trees. She smelled him a mile away and sidestepped, but the Were was agile and managed to land on his feet before he spun to face her. The third Were stepped out of the shadows, while the first one struggled to his feet. 
                  The three Weres fanned out, trying to trap her, but Layla

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