Maid for Me

Maid for Me by Kat Lieu, Eve Lieu

Book: Maid for Me by Kat Lieu, Eve Lieu Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Lieu, Eve Lieu
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Instinctively like a predator, Mina bolted after the person. By the time Jaiden turned around to talk to Mina, Mina was already halfway down the street across from the hospital, chasing someone in a trench coat like a vigilante.

    Give the girl a gun and she’ll shoot before the neurons and synapses in her brain fired. Jaiden shook his head and ran after Mina.

    The person Mina chased sprinted fast, like a trained runner. He or she turned a corner, so Mina doubled her pace. Stopping before a dead-end alley, the chased and chaser both panted. Mina studied the person— a woman, she figured. The woman’s face was slim and pale.

    “You’re the Stalker. You sent Jaiden the threatening message, the knife, and busted his car,” Mina said, pointing an accusative finger. She readied herself to take down the Stalker.

    “I would never do such a thing,” the woman said with a soft, soothing voice. She removed her shades and revealed her reflective light blue eyes. With each pretty blink, dark soot lashes fanned her high cheekbones. “I would never do anything to hurt my son.”

    “Your son?” Mina dropped her fists to her sides. This is the woman Jaiden had said was dead to him?

    With legs longer than a yard each, Jaiden caught up to Mina and the woman.

    “Amelia?” Jaiden said, winded and staring at his favorite maid. “What did you just say?”







    Amelia ran toward Jaiden and embraced his torso, holding him as if he would disappear if she let go.

    “I missed you so much,” she said, weeping. She removed her fedora and cascades of dark brown, wavy hair fell past her shoulders.

    The woman, who was closer to him than Emma Daniels, was as beautiful as Jaiden remembered her to be. A little thinner and tired looking, but still lovely like Vivien Leigh in her prime.

    Not knowing how to react, he patted Amelia’s shoulder. “I missed you too. What did you say before? Something about me being your son?”

    Mina did a double take, staring at Jaiden and then at Amelia. Their eyes had the same shape. They had the same nose. Even Amelia’s lips, though plumper, also looked similar to Jaiden’s. In fact, they looked more like mother and child than Mina did with her mother.

    Mixing the shade of blue of Amelia’s eyes and Jameson’s shade of darker blue, the end result would be Jaiden’s violet-blue eyes.

    But this doesn’t mean she’s not a suspect!

    “I mean I love you like you’re my son. That’s right,” Amelia said. “After all, I’ve watched you grow up.”

    “I see. What are you doing here? Father said you had moved to Japan.”

    Amelia’s eyes darkened at Jaiden’s mention of his father. She pressed her lips together. “For the past two years, I’ve lived in the city.”

    “Why were you acting so suspiciously?” Mina asked, her arms crossed and her foot tapping. She didn’t want to interrupt this sweet moment, but the bodyguard in her couldn’t help herself.

    “I… I’ll admit it. I was following Jaiden. I’ve been secretly staying in contact with Driver and had learned about the stalker’s attacks.” Amelia faced Jaiden. She touched his cheek. “I just wanted to watch over you and protect you.”

    Either the woman is a cougar or she thinks Jaiden is her son. Otherwise, she’s being a bit too touchy feely. Mina scrutinized the woman-she was probably in her early forties, like Kaila. Or she’s really Jaiden’s mother. That would make things very soap-opera-ish.

    “You don’t have to worry about me,” Jaiden said. “I’m worried about you though. Why don’t you come back and work for us again?”

    Amelia shook her head. “No, dear, I’m retired now. I’m just happy to see you’re okay.” She smiled sweetly. “I should get going.”

    Jaiden held onto Amelia’s thin wrist. “I’ll have Driver take you home.”

    “I’ll be fine. You and your little friend here go ahead and continue with your date.”

    “We’re not dating,”

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