Magic Rising

Magic Rising by Camilla Chafer

Book: Magic Rising by Camilla Chafer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camilla Chafer
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consider what this trial will say about the Council as much as what it says about you. At least, you have the knowledge that you acted in defence of others and your motives were honest and pure. What can they possibly say to excuse their own failures?”
    This time, when the clerk appeared, I felt less frightened. Still worried, but less scared. I’d faced terror before and gotten through it; and like Steven said, if everything came out, perhaps that would be a good thing. The rest I would just deal with when it happened. He was right. What ifs would get me nowhere. If Georgia wanted to fight this out, for whatever reasons, I would meet her one-on-one.
    Lisette waited for us all to be seated before she began. “The judiciary has considered the request of the prosecution to add the second crime to the indictment.” We waited breathlessly. “And we will proceed to trial. Estrella Mayweather stands accused of murdering Eleanor Bartholomew; and the second charge alleges her responsibility for the death of Jared Dorling. The prosecution and defence will both approach the bench to name their witnesses and offer evidence.”
    I barely heard Lisette’s pronouncement as the audience broke out into loud conversation. From odd words I gathered here and there, there was some confusion as to whether this was a good thing or not. Some were interested to know the true events of that night, while others believed I was a killer and should be immediately sentenced. Some others still thought I was innocent. With so many voices talking, I couldn’t venture a guess as to how the assembly was split, much less how the judiciary could come to such a catastrophic — for me, anyway — decision.
    Etoile and I sat silently together watching Steven’s back as he and Georgia Thomas approached the table, and consulted the judiciary. It seemed like ages before Steven returned to us.
    “Though this is not what we hoped for,” he began, his voice so soft that only we could hear. “I have some good news. Our witness lists match, so it is likely that the trial will proceed quickly. They have evidence, which we will be able to see shortly. I really think it’s a matter of the questions to be asked and how it will be spun.”
    “So, no matter what the truth is, it’s just how it appears that matters?” I asked, my whispered voice matching his. “All Georgia has to do is structure the questions in such a way that my answers will make me look guilty?”
    “Georgia could make the sunshine sound like a bad thing,” agreed Etoile.
    Steven shrugged. “We’ll proceed this afternoon. With luck, it will be over before the Summit begins.”
    “How?” I asked. “Doesn’t it take weeks to swear in a jury?”
    Steven gave me a puzzled look, like he couldn’t quite work out where I’d gotten that idea from. “There won’t be any jury. The judiciary act as judge and jury.”
    “Isn’t that unconstitutional?”
    “Not here. Here, they make the rules.”
    “Just another reason why the Council is inept,” spat Etoile angrily. “Not to mention the conflicts of interest.”
    “Shh. You should keep your opinions to yourself while we’re in court,” chided Steven before I could ask what she meant. “You’ll do Stella no good by insulting the Council. You’ll get your opportunity to speak.”
    The gavel banged again, swiftly restoring the quiet. “Evidence begins in one hour,” announced Lisette. “I call recess.”
    “They love their recesses,” I muttered, but rose to my feet in unison with everyone else. “Why didn’t you ask for more time?”
    “We don’t need it. This is a good thing,” whispered Steven. “We have chance to review the evidence; and with the trial starting soon, it gives Georgia less time to pester the witnesses.”
    Given Georgia’s reputation, that could only be a good thing. Though I knew all the witnesses to the events of that fateful day, and expected their memories to echo my own, I still didn’t want them

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