Maggie's Desire
pointed to Maggie and looked at Brian. "And what jackass number two is trying to say is that she's hurt that you didn't trust her to give you what you needed."
    Julie fisted her hands on her hips. "Maggie is more than capable of doing sessions with you." She picked up a riding crop and handed it to Maggie, then smiled.
    Brian grinned and eyed Maggie. "Julie has a way with words."
    Her heart slipped into her throat as loved filled her. She knew they had a long way to go, but she would give it all she had. Maggie slapped the riding crop on her palm. "Yes, she does."
    His pupils dilated and he shivered. "What do you say you make me atone for the cluster fuck I made of this."
    Julie slid out of the room and closed the door.
    She smiled as the last remnants of hurt fluttered away. "I have been known to show no mercy. Are you sure you're up for it?"
    He scooped her into his arms. "Bring it on."
    She wiggled out of his embrace. "Get undressed and lean over the spanking bench."
    His face sobered and his eyes glinted with challenge. "Yes, Mistress."
    The title thrilled her. This powerful man was going to submit to her. Maggie's insides quivered with excitement. She watched Brian strip and ready himself over the bench.
    She undressed, picked up the whip from the table, and stood in front of Brian. "To have a man like you, all strong and built in front of me is my deepest desire."
    Brian's dick grew hard. "I'm glad I can fulfill your needs."
    Maggie's nipples pebbled. "What's your safe word?'
    She moved behind him and started to mark his back with the whip. With every new welt decorating his hard body, he moaned and arched into the sting of the whip.
    Sweat poured from her, making the whip slip in her hands. Something inside her opened. All the old pain evaporated, tears stung her eyes. She crisscrossed his legs. Feelings of power surged through her. Having a man let her do this to him empowered her. She knew if he wanted, he could easily turn the tables, but he didn't and that made her fall for him more.
    Brian moaned, bringing her back. She tossed down the whip and moved to him. Maggie gently kissed every mark from his shoulder blades to his ankles. She swallowed the emotion in her throat. She stepped in front of him and helped him stand.
    His eyes shown with tears and for a moment, she thought she'd gone too far.
    "Thank you, Mistress." Brian knelt in front of Maggie and buried his head against her pelvis.
    Fresh longing pooled between her legs and she moaned.
    "Please, Mistress, can I have a taste?"
    The deep satisfaction marring his handsome face filled her heart. She spread her legs. "Just a little taste."
    Brain smiled up at her. "Thank you, Mistress." He leaned in and lapped at her pussy.
    She bit back a moan and let the desire wash over her. Digging her hands in his hair, she tugged his mouth away and gazed down at him. The sight of her pleasure glistering around his mouth and on his chin had fresh longing erupting inside her. "Stand up," she demanded, her voice shaking. "And lean against the wall." Maggie pointed. "Grab the bar over your head."
    "Yes, Mistress." Brian stood, walked to the wall, and gripped the bar over his head.
    Brian trembled and his cock bobbed. Maggie had never seen anything so sexy. "Tell me, Brian. Did you get this turned on with Mistress Julie?"
    She knew there was no place for jealousy here, but the ache in her chest wouldn't go away.
    His eyes sharpened and he cleared his throat. "No. What Julie and I did was not sexual. She relieved me of guilt and helped me to feel again."
    Maggie didn't know why it bothered her so much. She herself had been in sessions with Julie and found it therapeutic, not sexual in the least. If she was honest with herself, those sessions were the main reason she could put the past behind her.
    Julie had given her the strength to take her life back. The unease that had settled inside her soul lifted. Power infused her and the need to please her sub overtook

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