Maggie on the Bounty
work again with her in the future and hoped this
decision wouldn't reflect poorly upon his professionalism and dedication to the
organ.  Musicians.  Always looking for the next gig.  I could tell Barbara was
looking for several organs she could remove him from.
    "Mortimer!  Get behind that
column!" I shouted as a vampire came at me.  His fangs banged right up
against my neck guard.  I made sure to twist my stake as I pushed it through
his chest, the fucker.
    Barbara seemed like she was really
torn with whether to go after Mortimer or hop through the portal.  So, she did
what any desperate villain will do.  She took a hostage.  She grabbed our
Jackie and jumped.  She made sure to leave us with some company so that we
weren't lonely, though.
    By this time, all of the human
types had fled the pool.  The room was shaking in and out of reality, giving
everything a fuzzy edge.  This bubble was getting pretty darn unstable, which I
was thrilled to pieces about.  Nothing like a collapsing dimension to put a
little hustle in your bustle.
    Only two more vampires remained. 
The one came flashing at me with his fangs gleaming like the mother-of-pearl
ceiling overhead.  He might not bleed when he flossed, but he bled just fine
when I stuck him through the heart.  I leaned over and rested my hands on my
knees, breathing deep.  I was tuckered.
    "Maggie, behind you!"
Killian shouted.
    Someone forgot to tell this new
vamp that the #1 rule of the swimming pool is no running on the deck.  I didn't
even look.  I just raised my arm and let the vampire stake himself as he rushed
me.  I yanked it out and let him fall to the ground.
    "She took Jackie!" I
shouted at Killian.
    "I know!" Killian
replied, moving towards the portal like maybe we should make our way through.
    "I told you that kid was going
to end up being the lynchpin to the world's survival!"
    "You did.  You were right.  I
was wrong.  Are you happy enough that we can go save her now?" asked
    "Say that you were wrong once
    "I was wrong."
    I stood up.  "Cool.  Let's
    I jogged over to Mortimer and
grabbed his arm.  He clung to the column.
    "It's okay to come out
now," I said.
    He instantly relaxed.  "Well,
why didn't you say so?  I was just following orders.  Hide, Mortimer.  Run
away, Mortimer.  Stop playing organ so the world does not end, Mortimer.  It is
hard to keep all the rules straight all at once."
    I clapped him on the shoulders.
"Don't you worry that pretty little ginger head of yours, I'll do all the
thinking for us."  I motioned to the portal. "Right now, we are going
to go jump through there, try to save a little girl, and hopefully stop the end
of the world.  Ready?"
    He straightened his jacket and
fixed his tie.  He pulled down his shirt cuffs and smoothed his hair.  He gave
me a nod and then informed me, "I am ready now."
    "Fantastic."  I looked at
Killian.  "How about you, partner?"
    He nodded, "After you."
    I leapt through the portal.
    And landed in the middle of the
same room.  I mean, same room, different time.  The vampire corpses had
disappeared and the pool was filled with a bunch of shirtless menfolk with neat
    They looked at me like I had grown
horns.  Guess they don't see too many women in the middle of the ocean,
whatever bizarre in-between-worlds ocean we were floating in.
    "Hey boys!" I said,
giving them a little finger wave and edged towards the exit.  "Just
stopped by to see if you needed any fresh towels.  How's the water?  Peachy,
I'm sure. Anyone seen a woman dressed in black with a little girl in tow?"
    And at that moment Barbara decided
to show her ugly face.  She flew at me out of the men's dressing room. 
    "Hey!  Since when did this
become a co-ed joint?!" I shouted as I got my foot between me and her
chest and kicked her back.  One of the gents, dressed in a 1940s dough boy
uniform, had a hold of Jackie and was dragging her out of the room.
    "Where is Mortimer?!"

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