Lyon on a Leash
didn’t bother to respond, since the woman held the device right in front of them. Madame Chertier and Mistress Almond, also known as Pam, both said yes.
    “I own this. I don’t thank it for processing information, that’s what it’s supposed to do. I don’t give it time off or vacations. It’s mine to do with as I please. That’s the same way I see my submissives.”
    And your point is ?
    Ada had told Marcus that Angel had been required to attend this session as a condition for attending the auction. Vera waited for the Madame to correct Angel again. The two women had been butting heads the entire session. It was beyond irritating.
    “What do you think about that, Rose?”
    Vera inhaled and tried to think of a way to put a spin on objectification. “If Angel and her sub agree on that line of thinking, so be it. Some men have no problem with being treated as objects, some do. Even the iPad has to be recharged, or it dies and can no longer serve. There is always a minimum amount of care required for almost everything. As social creatures, most of us require some basics at one point or another. Human interaction, touch, a kind word or smile.” She shrugged, ignoring Angel’s pointed stare. “Personally, I’m not interested in the type of person who would allow me to treat him as though he were nothing. He is a reflection of me. That’s a simple by-product of any relationship. But everybody’s different.”
    Madame Chertier nodded. “That’s the point I would make. Everybody’s different.” She looked at Angel. “You follow FemDom teachings and believe women are superior to men—”
    “We are superior,” Angel interjected hotly.
    “Rose, Pam, and I disagree. We believe everyone is equal but serve in different roles. Our belief is no more right or wrong than yours, Angel. There are no absolutes. There are men who believe in female superiority and relish those types of relationships. And other men, who know they are equal to women, yet choose to allow the female to lead. They are all men, worthy of our respect and admiration.” She looked at her watch. “We’re going to rejoin the men and then break for lunch. This afternoon is our last session, and I hope that all of you will join my husband and me for dinner when we are done.”
    Ten minutes later, Marcus and Vera walked a couple of blocks to a nice sandwich shop for lunch. The sidewalk was crowded and a man bumped into Vera.
    “Hey,” Marcus yelled at the guy’s back. The man didn’t turn or respond.
    “Marcus, come on.” She pulled on his hand to get him moving. A few steps later, someone bumped into her again. His hand tightened against hers as he stepped to the side, pulling her with him.
    “Ma’am, let me walk in front and clear the way. I…I can’t take having people bump into you like this. It…it bothers me.”
    She took note of his tight jaw and nodded. It was better than him stopping all the time. “Yeah, okay.”
    Eyes closed, he inhaled deeply and then released it in slower increments. When he was done, he looked down at her. “Thank you.” Holding her hand with a firm grip, he turned and navigated them through the heavy sidewalk traffic until they came to the deli. When they walked in, he strode to a table, pulled a couple of napkins from the container and wiped it down. Vera walked closer to the counter and read the menu.
    Behind her, she heard the bus boy approach Marcus.
    “I’m sorry about that, sir.”
    “No problem. I didn’t want my lady sitting at a dirty table, you follow me?”
    Vera turned and watched the younger man redden as he wiped the table with a wet rag.
    “Yes, sir.” He glanced at her and then moved on.
    She returned to the table and sat down, mindful of several sets of eyes on the two of them.
    “What would you like to eat?” Marcus asked.
    “A chicken salad on croissant. And a bottle of water.”
    “Wait.” She pulled open her purse and took out a twenty to pay for both of their

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