Lust's Rhythm (Heart of Fame Book 10)

Lust's Rhythm (Heart of Fame Book 10) by Lexxie Couper

Book: Lust's Rhythm (Heart of Fame Book 10) by Lexxie Couper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexxie Couper
Tags: General Fiction
he drew her closer to his body, smoothing his hand down her back to cup her butt. “And I will gladly give up my career, my money, my fame, to spend the rest of my life with her, making her happier than she’s ever been.”
    Silence greeted his declaration.
    And then, tone completely ambiguous, Nick said, “Put my daughter on the phone, Jed.”
    Jed handed Chloe the phone.
    She took it, a slight frown dipping her eyebrows. “Hi, Dad. You pissed you didn’t get to walk me down the—”
    She stopped. Chewed her bottom lip. Stared at the base of Jed’s throat for a moment.
    Beside them, Josh let out another shaky sigh. Jed wanted to look at him, to see his expression, but he couldn’t pull his stare from Chloe.
    What was Nick saying?
    Whatever it was, she nodded. “I do.”
    Nick said something else. Jed could just discern the deep tones of his voice in the room’s silence.
    Chloe let out a wry snort. “I’m a Blackthorne, Dad. Did you really think I’d be normal? I’m just as ruled by my heart and my soul as you and Josh are, and I am completely and totally okay with that. I need you to be as well. I need you to trust me, trust my heart. And trust Jed.” She flicked Jed a quick look. “He’s not who you think he is, in the same way you’re not who most people think you are.”
    Nick said something. Chloe’s lips twitched. “Dad, Uncle Aslin told me all those stories about you trashing hotel rooms when you were in your twenties were just bullshit stories your agent made up. He told me you spent most nights in your hotel room when you were on tour, watching cheesy sci-fi movies on your laptop.”
    Jed bit his bottom lip to stop his surprised laugh.
    Josh, it seemed, didn’t bother, his chuckle soft but definitely filled with delight.
    Jed gave his new brother-in-law a quick glance. Josh gave him a look back that said, Whoa. Who knew? , his lips twitching like his sister’s.
    Returning his attention to Chloe, Jed studied her face. Strained to hear what Nick was saying to her.
    He couldn’t make it out. But she wasn’t angry. Or frowning. That was something, right? Maybe he was going to survive after all. Maybe.
    “I do, Dad,” she said, the words thick with an emotion that stirred something deep in Jed’s gut. “I really do. As much as you love Mum.”
    A beat of silence followed, and then she burst out laughing. “Grounded, Dad? Really?”
    He said something else, something that made her smile wider. “Yeah, yeah, Dad. Whatever.”
    She caught her bottom lip again at his unheard response, and then let out a low sigh, nodding. “I know, Dad. I love you, too. And Mum. More than you’ll ever know.”
    And with that, she tossed the phone to Josh. “Bugger off, big brother,” she said, snaking her hands up Jed’s back even as she grinned at Josh. “Dad said you can go now.”
    Josh caught his phone with one hand, shoved it back into his pocket, and cocked an eyebrow. “Did he now?”
    Chloe nodded. “He did. But he told me to tell you , Jed, that if you do anything to hurt me, he won’t just destroy your career, he’ll make sure no one ever hears from you again. Or knows where to look for the body.”
    Jed blinked. Chloe grinned. “He’s all bluff. Aslin Rhodes, his old bodyguard, would hide your body, so that’s at least one person who’d know, right?”
    “Oh, well,” Jed pulled a contemplative face, “that’s something, I guess.”
    She giggled. And then wriggled out of his arms. “Oh, oh, wait, Josh. Before you go, take a piccie of this.”
    She turned her back to her brother and gently removed the bandage covering the tattoo of the guitar/cello.
    “Jesus, sis,” Josh groaned. “ Now Dad is going to kill you.”
    Chloe grinned up at Jed. “No, he won’t. He knows exactly what it’s like to be in love.”
    Josh snorted, withdrew his phone, snapped a shot, and then shook his head.
    “Make sure you tell him Jed and I got matching ones when you send it to him.”
    “You are

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