
Lust by T. C. Anthony

Book: Lust by T. C. Anthony Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. C. Anthony
Tags: Romance
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office, before I came in, did something happen…between the two of you?”
    I hung my head, embarrassed. This was the one question I hadn’t expected and didn’t want to answer.
    “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. But the two of you looked the same shade of pale, and he practically ran to his office. And then having his driver drive you an hour and a half home, asking if you needed anything at all. It’s just strange. And then I thought maybe something bad had happened. I just want to make sure he didn’t upset or hurt you in any way.”
    I looked up at her surprised. Here I thought Samantha wanted the dirty dish on what had transpired behind my office doors, but no, all along she was just checking on me. “Thanks, love. But, no, he didn’t do anything to me.” Unfortunately, I thought. “Truth is, I probably did a Tyson on his ego, and still he was…Well, he was nice, I think. I don’t know. One thing I do know is that I would shatter that boy. He looks like the doddering husband type, and I’m nowhere near that continent.”
    Samantha shook her head, She’s never going to change. When chance’s path meant change, she pretends not to see it. “Are you serious?”
    she said. “Eva, anyone who didn’t know you would think that you came from some broken home or something. You have an amazing family, one that some people would die for. Your parents just celebrated their forty-third wedding anniversary.
    Yet your perception of marriage and commitment is so far beyond fucked-up, it’s almost inconceivable to believe you were born to your parents. What is your deal? Take a chance. There’s something there and you know it. And this chicken-shit wall you put up is going to leave you alone and regretful. Mark my words.”
    I didn’t know how to respond to Samantha’s harsh but somewhat true words, and that is why it was muting me. What Samantha had said was the closest thing to the truth.
    “I don’t regret anything, nor will I ever. And I adore the family I have, you know that. But I look at my mother and I know in her heart she must regret giving up her career in fashion to have a husband and then a family. No one in their right mind works their ass off to achieve success just to give it up.
    And for what? Running a household, changing diapers, being a soccer mom? And, maybe some women do it, for reasons I just don’t get. But I, my dear, am not cut from that cloth. And just as a side note to end this pleasant mood–killing conversation, there is no path. Chance gave me one thing in thirty-two years: it took to me to you outside of the building of PHI seven years ago. Everything else is by my own merit, and no one will take that from me. I’m not sacrificing anything if I’m doing what I love. Now, conversation over. We should be there in a bit, and the karma in here is toxic.”
    Samantha dismissed the end result of our conversation, but I could tell the words irked her. I turned to stare out the window of the cab, looking over at the grandeur that Midtown Manhattan offers at night. I swallowed my anger and focused on tonight.
    Samantha and I entered Black’s Lounge and were comforted by the familiar faces of those who worked there and frequented the place. It felt like old times. Trying to push through the crowd, I caught Samantha’s eyes peering ahead at a particular and very handsome man.
    At first I couldn’t understand the look or the “Oh my God,”
    but as I went to get a better look at what had captured her attention, I saw him…Alexander.
    Shit! And the crap just keeps on coming! I couldn’t show Samantha any reaction— negative or otherwise. And of course, as fate would have it, he was standing in front of where we were to be seated at the bar. The other man who was with him was the eye candy that had Samantha under his spell. He was just as dashing and GQ-like as Alexander. And obviously equally fixated on Samantha. Samantha must have been too occupied to notice

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