Lulu in Honolulu

Lulu in Honolulu by Elisabeth Wolf Page A

Book: Lulu in Honolulu by Elisabeth Wolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Wolf
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all the people working on Seas the Day forget their hard work and enjoy something beautiful. BUT if there’s anyone who understands wanting to get a minute (or two) with your mom, it’s me, Lulu! So, the show will have to go on without Noelani. OK, back to: ACTION!!
    TIGHT SHOT on Watson as he lies asleep on Lulu’s boogie board.
    The warm midday sun, the smell of french fry grease, and his full belly lull the pug into a deep snooze.

    WIDE SHOT of Ohana kids splashing along the shore, boogie boarding, or body surfing in the ocean.
    CLOSE-UP again on Watson. Waves move closer and closer to the foam board and then begin to lap the front edge. Soon, the warm Pacific Ocean surf pulls the boogie board with the sleepy pug on it out to sea!!
    CUT TO: Lulu and Noelani deep in conversation about how hard it can be to get your mother to notice you’re alive. Lulu sticks her hand into her I USED TO BE A PLASTIC BAG tote and pulls out a two li hing mui lollipops.
    (holding both out to Noelani)
    Whale or heart? Even Watson is hooked on them. He and I share lick for lick.
    Sharing is caring.
    Lulu glances around her.
    Where’s Watson?!!
    Noelani springs up.
    He probably dragged himself back to the picnic tables to hunt for fries.
    No. I dragged him down here on my boogie board. He was so stuffed from lunch, there’s no way he would’ve waddled off.
    Noelani puts her hand over her brow to keep the sun from her eyes and scans the beach.
    (cups her hands around her mouth)
    Most of her voice is carried away by the strong winds blowing off the ocean.
    Lulu instinctively runs toward the rolling surf. Noelani bolts after her.
    (to Noelani)
    He hates the WATER!
    I know.
    And doesn’t even like fish. Well, except for extra-cheesy Goldfish crackers.
    I know. I’ve seen him eat a whole bag of those.
    And he doesn’t know how to swim.
    I know.
    And I didn’t put his dog floaties on!!
    I know. You always slide them on his legs in case he gets too close to the ocean.
    By the time they reach the wet, squishy sand, several Ohana kids stand together pointing out to sea. Lulu staggers toward them.
    Hey, man. I think that’s Watson out there!
    Lulu, panting from her run across the sand, SPLASHES into the crash of the breaking waves. She swims quickly toward Watson. Liam and Noelani swim after her.
    CLOSE-UP on Watson, who peels open his eyes and quickly closes them. He decides to play dead and not move. Even twitching his stubby tail could cause the board to wiggle.
    CUT BACK TO: Lulu. She is exhausted and gulps for breath, though she swallows more salt water than air. Noelani and Liam try to reach Lulu, but she’s too far ahead.
    Lulu turns at the sound and sees two HEADS. Arms circle above the choppy ocean surface and disappear back under it, again and again like pinwheels spinning in the wind. Heads and arms move fast despite the rise and fall of the swells.
    As the swimmers get closer, one head pops out. It’s close enough for Lulu to see.
    Just FLOAT. Relax.
    He does a fast breaststroke over to her.
    He’s up to Lulu in two strokes. His left arm, like a steel cable, wraps her from behind and holds her head up.
    (his voice is calm)
    Aloha . Now. I’m gonna let go of you for one second because I’m gonna take off my shirt. Got it?
    Lulu nods and sputters out salty water at the same time.
    (voice is playful)
    Now I know you’re wondering, why is Uncle taking off his beautiful T-shirt here in the ocean? It’s already soaking wet and Auntie’s gonna kill him if it’s ruined.
    Lulu nods again.
    Well, I’m gonna pull it off and you’re gonna grab it. OK? I’m gonna hold the other side and I’m

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