Lucy Surrenders
sending a flood of water along the tube. "You have another third to go." Lucy moaned and closed her eyes. Anna watched as Lucy spread her legs even wider and lifted her bottom slightly as if trying to make room for the enema. The bag wasn't the largest in the house; Louisa often took time-and-a-half what Anna had prepared for Lucille. However, this was the first enema the poor girl had received, and Anna knew even its smaller volume would make quite the impression. She stepped to the bed and ran a cool cloth across Lucy's cheek and the back of her neck. Lucy shuddered and moaned.
    "Tha ... thank you," she said, and then groaned and squirmed a bit as her stomach clenched. Anna slid her hand under the girl's body and gently massaged the swollen tummy. Lucy felt immense shame but also relief as the woman's fingers seemed to work their magic, allowing the rest of the bag's contents to make their way deep inside Lucy's slender body. Anna watched as the last of the liquid left the tube and then removed her hand. She shut off the valve and stepped from the bed.
    "May ... may I ... I ... go to the water ... closet?" Lucy panted, her stomach rebelling at its unwanted contents. Anna smiled and shook her head.
    "Goodness, no, Lucy," she said as if amused at the question. "You've only now accepted the entire bag. You'll need to hold it for quite some time so that it might do its job in reminding you that you'd be better off remembering not to use filthy language." Lucy shuddered, her entire body seeming to contract at the discomfort.
    "How ... how ... long?" she whispered, her hands shaking as they clung to her elbows at the small of her back.
    "How long what, my dear?" Anna asked as she settled herself back in her chair. Lucy moaned again.
    "How ... when may I ... may I...""Expel?" Anna asked, knowing the humiliation of every moment helped to increase the lesson.
    "Ye ... yes, when may I ... I expel?" Lucy asked, her need exceeding her embarrassment.
    "Expel what?" Anna prompted, not willing to spare the girl an inch of shame. "You must accept what is happening and voice your acceptance, little one." Lucy nodded, exhaustion clear on her face as it tightened with another awful cramp.
    "When may I expel my en ... enema, Ma'am?" she said bravely, her teeth biting her bottom lip, her bottom clenched around the tubing protruding from her small bottom-hole.
    Anna made a show of looking at the clock on the wall. "You will hold your punishment enema for another fifteen minutes, Lucille," she announced. Lucy shuddered from the top of her head to the tips of her toes but nodded her acceptance.
    "Yes, Ma'am," Lucy whispered, and Anna felt respect grow for the young woman who had taken the difficult punishment with only the briefest of spankings and minimum of fuss. When Anna stood again, Lucy had her eyes closed, her breath coming in short pants as she coped with her punishment. She only moaned when she felt Anna's hand on her bottom, drawing its globes apart. “Tell me, Lucille," she asked, "why are you in this position, and what punishment did you require?" Lucy trembled all over but managed to answer.
    "I said filthy words and was disrespectful to my family. I ... disobeyed my ... my ... Papa when he warned me not to curse again. I ... I was naughty and earned a ... an enema as pun ... punishment to ... to cleanse me. I'm so sorry ... please ... please may I expel my ... my medicine?" She begged, her body cramping almost constantly. Anna removed the bag from its hook and draped the long coil over her arm. She reached out and gently patted Lucy's hands.
    "Come child," Anna said softly, using her free hand to help Lucy roll off the pillow and off the bed as the girl continued to moan, her hands going to cup her swollen stomach. Lucy prayed hard the entire time as she waddled from the room, only stopping when she was positioned over a large pail that must have held the water brought up from the kitchen for her enema. Her face burned as she was

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