Lucy Surrenders
humiliated as the woman lectured her.  She kept her eyes tightly clenched as the nozzle was again extracted only to feel it being reinserted for the third time, unaware that Anna had passed the duty to Molly.  As it slowly entered her bottom, Lucy finally accepted the fact that she would find the nozzle seated and removed repeatedly until she showed her submission.
    "I'm ... I'm sorry.  Please ... please ... put my nozzle in my ... my bottom," Lucy whispered as she accepted the punishment.  Her words seemed to be what Anna needed.  She nodded at Molly who pushed the nozzle into Lucy's bottom until it was deeply seated and allowed to remain dormant, deep within her bowels.
    "Cup your hands around your elbows, Lucille," Anna instructed, and helped guide the girl into the desired position.  "Keep your legs spread wide so that I might be able to determine if I need to make any adjustments."  Lucy flushed but nodded.
    "Ye ... yes, Ma'am." Anna made sure the length of tubing was unkinked before reaching up to begin the flow of liquid.  Lucy gave a small jerk at the sound of the click as Anna adjusted the clamp.  Warm, but not hot, water began to enter Lucy, and she began to cry softly.  Anna again ignored her, knowing the girl's tears were not caused by the pain of the enema but from the shame of it.  She also knew the little one would soon be doing far more than crying.
    She stepped away from the bed and washed her hands at the bowl on Lucy's washstand. Anna took a seat at Lucy's desk and waited for the girl to take the full measure of her punishment enema.
    She turned to Molly, who was watching the liquid flow. While she had been the recipient of several enemas, she had never helped administer one.
    "You may go, Molly," she said, and watched the girl move towards the door. "Remain in the kitchen until I am done. We shall discuss your forgetfulness in your duties at that time."
    "Ye ... yes, Ma'am," Molly said, and knew she would soon receive some type of punishment for inconveniencing both Mrs. Bremmer, as well as interrupting the Lord of the manor.
    Lucy tried to lie still and accept the horrid enema as the punishment she knew she had earned. She silently promised to never curse again, never to force her husband to declare she needed her bottom cleansed for her foul mouth. She soon realized that this was not a normal, medicinal enema. Her insides began to burn, and the water continued to flow. She moaned softly and then louder as her first cramp hit.
    "Ohhh, please ... it's too much ... it ... it hurts," she said, her eyes opening to see Anna calmly watching her.
    "You've barely begun, child," Anna informed her as her eyes moved to the bag. "Your bottom has far more medicine to swallow." Lucy groaned as the soap continued to irritate her bowels. She felt full and was suddenly terrified she would be unable to hold all that solution inside her bottom. She suddenly understood why she had been put down on a rubber sheet. Anna saw the realization in Lucy's eyes and nodded.
    "You will take every single drop of your medicine, Lucille," she said firmly. "Even if you do have an accident, I promise you'll wish you had been a good girl and dutifully accepted your due. If I have cause to repeat your lesson, I assure you the burn you are feeling from the soap will be far worse when I add pepper juice to your solution." The threat of additional burning didn't outweigh her fear of having an accident. She would be mortified if unable to hold the enema, and she clamped the muscles of her bottom tight. Her hands moved off her back to clutch at her sides only to hear Mrs. Bremmer order her back into position. She sobbed but forced her hands back, her stomach filling and pressing hard against the mattress with the weight of the water.
    "How ... how much ... much more," Lucy gasped after another several minutes. "I ... I feel so ... so full ... I...”
    "Hush, child," Anna said, standing to check the bag. She palpated it with her hands,

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