Lucius (Luna Lodge #3)
startled by his sudden nearness.
    Her hands flipped up and spattered cake on them both. She looked down at her new dress and frowned.
    “I got cake on my new dress,” she said.
    She gasped when he pressed closer, the outline of his hard cock pressed firmly against her thigh.
    “I can take care of that,” he said. His voice rumbled in her ear.
    She brought her eyes to his. All the times she had ached for him to return her feeling, and when he finally did, it seemed like a hollow gesture.
    “I just…” She fumbled with her words as he moved his mouth toward her. For a second she thought about just giving in, but what was the point? It would just be meaningless in the end. She evaded him and slipped out of his reach.
    Lucius frowned at her.
    “What’s the problem?” He stepped toward her.
    Hannah took several steps back until she was on the other side of the table.
    “We just can’t do this,” she said simply.
    Lucius stopped and leaned forward against the table. She watched as his muscles bulged under his t-shirt.
    “I don’t understand.” He frowned. “I thought you liked me.”
    Hannah stepped back and sucked in a couple deep breaths. Nothing about this damn day was going as planned.
    “I do,” she said quietly. She stared at him from across the table and watched him smile with smug satisfaction. “But what does that matter?” The smile slipped from his face. “I don’t want someone who’s happy because they can smell me. Not when they’ve spent this whole time pretty much ignoring everything about me.”
    She sighed and rubbed her fingers on the bridge of her nose.
    “You don’t even know the first thing about me,” she mumbled.
    Hannah jumped, and her eyes popped open at the squeak of the table as Lucius shoved it out of the way and stalked toward her.
    “What the hell are you—”
    “You have one cup of tea every afternoon with loads of sugar and cream,” he said and stepped closer.
    “It tastes good that way,” she said defensively.
    “Every Friday, you let yourself have dessert.” He raised a brow. “Even though you look at them every day.”
    “They smell good,” she said quietly and frowned.
    He stopped in front of her.
    “If there’s a peach for lunch, you’ll get it. Every time.”
    She looked up to him. How had he watched her so closely without her seeing?
    “You don’t let your past stop you,” he said and stepped forward.
    “I think the same could be said for you,” she whispered.
    Lucius leaned forward and pressed his head against hers, their bodies still slightly separated.
    “Hannah,” he groaned.
    She closed the space between them and leaned into him, her mouth hard on his. Never in her life had she been so hungry for another person, to have her arms around him and pull him close to her. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and savored the feel of their mouths moving together. Frenzied, she pulled her tongue out and nipped his bottom lip. Hannah moaned when he pressed her into the wall. Her hips moved and couldn’t help but reply to the thick cock pushing at her.
    Her hands slipped up his biceps as they kissed. She wound her arms around his neck.
    Lucius grunted in irritation and pulled away from her mouth. She gasped when she felt his hot hands on her ass lifting her up against the wall.
    “You and all these damn dresses and skirts,” he grumbled.
    Hannah fidgeted in his hands. “What if someone comes in?” she whispered.
    Lucius grunted. “They’ll leave in a hurry then.”
    “But…” She blushed bright red. “You can’t keep holding me up.”
    Lucius stopped and flashed her a genuine smile.
    “Is that a challenge?” He grinned.
    She swatted at him. “You know what I mean.”
    “Fine,” he sighed. “We’ll get your things and leave.”
    She shivered when he leaned forward and growled in her ear. “A bed would be a good idea.”

Chapter Ten
    Her nipples tightened as she slid down his chest and stood on her own two feet.

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