Lovely Vicious

Lovely Vicious by Sara Wolf

Book: Lovely Vicious by Sara Wolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Wolf
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There is no girl I’m being paid to woo here, so what I’m saying is honest and true.”
    “Well, apparently you haven’t quite flipped the correct switches from work back to your normal life, so. It’s okay. The compliments are nice, even if you don’t mean them.”
    “I mean them, alright? Stop questioning my sincerity!”
    “Stop saying lies,” I sigh. “I’m none of those nice things you just said. But it’s okay. I can pretend.”
    He rubs his forehead. “God, you’re infuriating.”
    “Ooh, that’s another good adjective to add to my list!”
    “If I had known –” He runs his hand through his hair, but it flops back down to shade his eyes. “If I had known I wouldn’t have done it. A first kiss…that’s something a girl should cherish. It’s something you should share with someone you really love. You shouldn’t lose it in a petty high school battle of wills to someone you hate.”
    “Yeah, well. Never gonna love someone again, so. It’s okay. I’m glad I lost it, at least! It’s sort of nice to have gotten it over with.”
    “You’re so sure of that, aren’t you?”
    “Sure of what?” I blink.
    “That you’re never going to love anyone again. You said it with such…conviction. Like it’s set in stone.”
    “Oh! But it is!” I smile.
    “So you won’t, in any one of the endless millions and trillions of possibilities that are your future selves, ever fall in love with someone again?”
    “Yup! That’s right. It’s been three years, twelve weeks, and four days since I fell in love. And I’m never going to do it ever again. I learned my lesson.”
    I get up and stretch to break the awkward quiet between us.
    “I’m gonna get some more booze. You want any?”
    “I don’t drink.”
    “Oh ho! Is that so? You and Wren, both terrible goody-two shoes! Whodathunk it.”
    “We used to be friends, in middle school,” Jack says softly. “Him and I.”
    “And then what happened?”
    Jack looks up at me, icy eyes glowing with an unholy fire in the faint light from the house. The shadows hug his face, making him look savagely handsome and savagely terrifying all at the same time.
    “I did something very bad.”
    His tone sends shivers down my spine, but I keep my face light and unaffected.
    “Oh. Like, uh, put snow down his pants? Kissed his girlfriend? Or does it have something to do with Sophia?”
    Jack laughs. He really laughs, this time, the sound clear like when he was with Madison. But nothing about it is pleasant, or amused. It’s bitter, old, full of guilt. Jack gets up and leaves, my curiosity roars through me and darts my hand out to grab his shirt and pull him back and make him explain, I trip on the lip of the fountain, and all at once there’s a horrible jolting down my spine, a heavy weight falling next to me, and water in my nose, my ears, my mouth. The cold shock whisks my booze-haze away and leaves me sputtering and struggling to get out of the fountain. Jack is likewise wet from his pants-down, and glowering at me. The entire party inside is mashed up against the windows, looking at us and laughing, and the garden crowd is practically rolling with laughter.
    “How do you fall in there? It’s like two feet wide.”
    “Fucking idiots!”
    “Carl peed in there, too!”
    Jack and I drip in solidarity.
    “You did that on purpose.” Jack mutters, and I swear I see his eyebrow twitch with controlled rage.
    “N-No! I tripped and – oh god there’s something green on your crotch. Not that I was looking there. It just happened to be very green! Right there!”
    He picks a wad of algae off his crotch and throws it onto the face of a laughing guy nearby. It makes a wet splat, and Jack is gone before I have the chance to apologize properly. Not that I was going to at all since I’m at war with him and what am I thinking, apologizing ! And thanking him for kissing me? What the hell am I on other than ethanol-based depressants? I have to work this accident for all

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