Loved Bayou (Martin Family Book 1)

Loved Bayou (Martin Family Book 1) by Brooke St. James

Book: Loved Bayou (Martin Family Book 1) by Brooke St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke St. James
as I handed him the washcloth.
    He took it and went back to the bathroom to put it away.
    "Sit up for a second," he said when he got back into the living room. "I want to sit on the couch with you. You can put your head in my lap."
    "I'm not gonna be much company," I warned.
    "I'm not expecting you to entertain me, Alex. I'm just gonna sit here and watch TV while you get some sleep. Will the TV bother you?"
    I shook my head as I sat up to make room for Jacob on my couch. He positioned some pillows where I'd be comfortable, and I fell onto his lap, feeling like I had hit the lottery of Sickland. If you're gonna be miserable, at least do it in style. I smiled at my own delirious thoughts as I settled into my lottery winnings.
    "What are you smiling about?" he asked.
    "That I like being sick if it winds me up on your lap."
    "If it winds you up here?" he asked, sounding amused by my choice of words.
    I peeked up at him since I knew he was smiling, but I didn't make it in time—it had already faded. "Well, I don't like you being sick," he said. "You scared me to death when I opened your door."
    "By how I looked, or that I tried to make you leave?"
    "Both, I guess."
    "Because I was planning on making you leave, even if I was well."
    "Thanks," he said sarcastically.
    "You deserved it," I said.
    There was a pause before he said, "I know."
    He started rubbing my head with his fingertips again, which made me sigh. "It's starting to get warm," I said snuggling into a comfortable position. My arm was out of the blanket, and Jacob placed his free hand on top of it. It was the most comfortable I'd been in the last 24 hours, and I was so thankful he was there.
    "I'm sorry I made you leave like that the other night," he said. "It wasn't because I didn't want you to be there."
    I smiled weakly, keeping my eyes closed. "You don't have to explain," I said.
    "I was not expecting to be okay with hanging out with anybody," he said rubbing my head.
    "You're okay with Cole," I said.
    He hesitated before saying, "It's not really the same thing, Alex."
    I peeked up at him because I wanted to see his facial expression. He was staring down at me.
    "It's not the same thing," he repeated.
    I sighed and reached up to grab his hand, which was resting on my head. I guided it down so his palm was cupped around my cheek. I held it there, feeling like I had the best sleeping arrangement ever. "I'm probably gonna close my eyes for a minute," I said, sleepily. "The remote's right there."
    "I see it," he said. "Just get some rest. I don't have anywhere to go."
    I woke up to Jacob shaking my arm.
    "Someone just walked in," he whispered.
    I had no idea where I was at first, so I sat up, feeling disoriented. I adjusted to face Jacob, squinting at him while trying to figure everything out.
    "Who's this?" I heard my mom's voice say.
    I glanced toward the door to find her standing there, holding two grocery bags and wearing a concerned expression.
    "My name is Jacob Fox," I heard Jacob say from beside me. I felt the couch move as he stood up to greet my mother.
    She made no move to shake Jacob's hand or otherwise greet him. "Did you know he was here?" my mom asked, looking at me. She wore an impassive expression as if she was ready to call the cops.
    "Of course I did. He just came over. He was sitting here while I tried to sleep for a second."
    "Well, I thought you might be sleeping," she said. "I would have come over earlier, but I figured you needed to rest. I was trying to be quiet when I came in, but you were sitting up on the couch. Are you sure you're okay?"
    "Yeah, I'm okay, Mom. I'm actually better. I think my stomach's feeling better. I think I might have gotten a little nap."
    "You got about four hours," Jacob said, causing Mom and I both to look at him.
    "Four hours?" I asked, in utter disbelief. "What time is it?"
    "It's two-thirty," my mom said. "Did you know he was here, Alex?"
    I let out a humorless laugh as I rubbed my face. "Yeah, I knew he was here,

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