Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series)

Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series) by Michelle Mankin Page B

Book: Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series) by Michelle Mankin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Mankin
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have been Bryan’s cue because he immediately launched into a solo, balancing the body of his guitar on his right knee. He deftly navigated the neck of the guitar, weaving a complex blend of hammer ons, slides, bends, and pull offs. Totally focused on his hands, Avery took a step toward him, her fingers twitching. She couldn’t wait to try to duplicate it herself.
    Bryan’s guitar solo faded into a short dramatic pause. Then Bullet and Sager shifted into punk mode, completely transforming the tune.
    “Cool,” Avery mumbled under her breath.
    War pulled the lead mic out of the stand and crossed to Bryan.
    “Time to go now. Time to go now,” War and Bryan chanted into the mic together while Bryan continued to play. When the punk break was over, War brought it back around to the opening lyrics and chorus, before Ty closed the song out with a flurry on his drums.
    Immediately, Avery stuck her fingers in her mouth to produce a shrill whistle and clapped her hands enthusiastically.
    “Thank you. Thank you,” War said into the mic with a dramatic bow, gesturing at her. “To our new number one fan, Avery Jones. Thank you.”
    She grinned, eyes sparkling, totally caught up in the band’s engaging performance. When she turned to Marcus to ask what he thought, he was scowling. Not at her. At War and Bryan. She returned her attention to the stage. The Tempest front man and his guitarist were engaged in a low but obviously heated discussion.
    “Stop it, man.” War gave Bryan a shove.
    With heavy hooded eyes, Bryan peered down at her as if trying to communicate something. Then he swung back around in War’s direction. “Fuck off!” He threw his guitar pick at War and stalked off the stage.


    Marcus gave Avery a quick shuttered glance as he stormed into the cluttered dressing room. They weren’t even past the first stop on the tour and already there were problems.
    Bryan Jackson.
    Just about what he had expected, though. Avery was young and beautiful, and that alone was enough to make guys like Jackson gun for her. Add in her talent and rock star status, and it was going to be a full time job keeping her his.
    He tossed his cell onto the makeup counter before turning back to face her. His visage was dark.
    “What’s wrong?” Avery took a step back. “Are you ok?”
    “Effing fantastic. Just great.”
    Someone banged on the door. Trevor stuck his head in the room. “Ten minutes, guys.”
    “Ok,” Avery acknowledged with a tense nod. “We’ll be there in a minute.”
    “He’s just a local guy, Marcus.” Trevor paused, mouth twisting into a grimace. “He has very few followers. He’s not worth worrying about.”
    “I know!” Marcus cut him off. “You told me already.” He worked to level his tone. “I don’t want to discuss it anymore. I’ve got a show to put on.” His gaze flicked to Avery. “I need a minute to regroup, but I can tell you I feel less than enthusiastic about going out there right now.”
    “He’s just one of those guys trying to make a name for himself by trashing someone else.” Trevor continued while taking off his wire rimmed glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Haters like him only bring themselves down.”
    “Marcus, what happened?” Avery asked.
    “Nothing,” he lied and pulled off his t-shirt.
    “Ok. You tell me then,” she said turning to Trevor, worry pinching the outer corners of her eyes.
    “Just a music blogger being a real asshole. Asking Marcus some real asinine questions, insinuating that he was just using you to revive a stalled career. Outrageous crap, clearly designed to make Marcus lose his temper.”
    She frowned.
    Trevor’s phone beeped. “Sorry, I gotta go get JR and Dwight. You two have three minutes,” he warned before leaving.
    Avery turned back toward him as he was fastening the last two buttons on his shirt. She took a seat on the worn vinyl sofa beside him. She threaded both her arms around him and laid her head on his

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