Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series)

Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series) by Michelle Mankin Page A

Book: Love Resolution (Black Cat Records series) by Michelle Mankin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Mankin
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War, though.”
    Out of the corner of her eye, Avery noticed Bryan’s lips moving as he mimicked Warren’s introduction. She shook Warren’s hand. “Nice to meet you…War.” She glanced back at Bryan. “Don’t let me hold you guys up. I just stopped by hoping to catch your sound check.”
    “Awesome!” War exclaimed excitedly, flicking one of the tail ends of his scarf back over his shoulder. “I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.” He glanced back and forth between the two of them. “Looks like you and Bryan have already gotten acquainted. Why don’t you come on out and meet the rest of our motley crew.”
    Avery turned to follow War, but Bryan stopped her with a hand on her arm. She fought back a shiver and gave him a questioning look.
    “Play a little, do you?” he asked, eyes glittering provocatively.
    She nodded, lips curving up.
    “Damn.” He smiled back. “You’re even hotter in person.”
    “Save the flattery for the groupies,” she snickered. “Bullet.”
    His lips twitched. “Don’t mock it, Red. At least,” he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “not until after you’ve tried it.”
    Avery took a seat in a folding chair on the front row of the arena. A few road crew members scurried on and off the stage moving equipment, but other than that the huge venue was silent.
    The guys from Tempest seemed pretty cool. Except for Bryan, none of the others had tried to hit on her. They were all in their early twenties. Dizzy, the rhythm guitarist had short spiky white blond hair and lots of facial piercings. The bassist, Sager, was tall and lanky with a prominent nose and curly brown hair that peeked out from underneath his newsboy cap. King, the drummer had a body builder physique and long black hair. He seemed to be the only shy one in the bunch. He’d barely made eye contact with her when they’d been introduced.
    She watched them finish their setup. Her gaze repeatedly found its way back to Bryan “the Bullet” Jackson. He was still watching her, too. He raised one of his brown brows in salute.
    She rolled her eyes.
    His lips twitched before he leaned over to adjust the pedal on his foot board.
    “Their lead guitarist is easy on the eyes, isn’t he?” Sam commented as she took a seat next to Avery.
    “I guess,” Avery replied noncommittally.
    “Aw come on. He’s young, not JR or Marcus caliber yet, but he’s pretty sexy.” She fanned herself with her hand. “I bet he knows those tat sleeves of his look real good against that white t-shirt he’s wearing. They definitely play right into that bad boy rep he’s earned. My sister would label him ‘man candy handsome.’ Oh. My. Gosh.” Grey eyes wide, she flicked a glance at Avery. “He just winked at you, didn’t he?”
    Avery’s exasperated sigh was drowned out by a sudden growl. Marcus, his hair still wet from the shower, was glaring back and forth between the two women and the stage. “Who’s winking at Avery?” he demanded to know.
    “Bryan Jackson,” Sam replied offhandedly, looking down as her phone pinged. “Oops. I gotta go. I need to make sure the lighting board gets hooked up properly.” She stood. “I’ll see y’all later.”
    “Ok,” Avery said distractedly.
    Marcus crossed his arms and frowned up at the Tempest guitarist.
    Avery stood and placed a restraining hand on his tense forearm just as the music started. Her attention shifted to the stage. King was laying down a hard beat. Sager kicked in with a chugging bass line.
    Bryan layered in power chords, his eyes never moving from Avery’s face.
    Her foot immediately started tapping. They were good. Wicked good.
    Uh-oh. Without turning her head, Avery could feel Marcus staring at her, too. The back of her neck started heating up.
    War stepped up to the mic. “Do what you gotta do,” he spat. “I told you… bitch, we’re through.” His voice was raw and angry. He let out a primal yell that made goose bumps break out on her arms. The scream must

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