Love Play by Rosemary Rogers

Love Play by Rosemary Rogers by Unknown

Book: Love Play by Rosemary Rogers by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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brushed very
lightly against her breast, and he was really looking at her, bright blue eyes
    'Your half sister was much more sensible than you were, and I'm sure she
probably still is!' Seeing that they had hardly heard him, Ted Kohler gave a
mental shrug. He was no Daddy to Mona's kids anyhow, and this one, from all
accounts, was quite street-wise.
    'I'm afraid I have a few people here,' he said, turning back to Garon,
who shrugged.
    'Anyone I know?'
    'No one I wouldn't trust. So feel at ease, old buddy!'
    'Come on - we'll check them out and then I'll show you the tennis courts
by moonlight!' Garon grinned down at Sara.
    'How romantic!' Sara kept it light, already beginning to feel insecure.
How long would she be able to keep Garon at bay? And it was only when she
thought that that the realisation came. She really didn't want to be made love
to by Garon! Even if Delight would have. If she was going to lose her damned
virginity some day, it had bloody well better be very special! No married man
with one eye on the clock, even if he was Garon Hunt. But how was she able to
break it to Garon without. , . without blowing her cover?
    It was hard on the heels of that thought that Sara received her second
shock for the evening.
    'My house guest, the Duca di Cavalieri. ..' And if Garon hadn't been
holding her - I
    'Oh, yes. We have met.' His voice was completely indifferent, his eyes
hard and disinterested — like twin black pebbles striking hers. Sara noticed,
belatedly, that he had on his arm the most gorgeous female she had ever seen -
a honey blonde with exquisite porcelain features and expensive jewellery.
    Well — good!. she thought indignantly. Let him pursue someone else for a
change! What a relief! She floated by him with a vague smile, as if she was
trying to remember him.
    And maybe she would let Garon seduce her after all. Someone had to be
first! Sara began to set the scenario in her mind. They would leave soon —
there would be flowers and champagne and soft music. Wagner, perhaps. She hoped
Garon liked Wagner.
    A waiter came out with a tray, and Sara reached out automatically. She
had better get slightly tipsy, it might help. She had to relax - learn to
relax. A   second drink might help even
more, because the first one had been just orange juice in a tall glass.     
    'Not many people can drink a
second Harvey Wallbanger in two swallows and remain standing. My . . . friend
and I have a bet going on you, Signorina Delight.' Riccardo's voice made Sara
grit her teeth, even as the woman with him smiled sweetly and a trifle
condescendingly. She spoke with a French accent. 'Of course I have my money on
you. Two drinks.. .phoo! They are nothing, in spite of what they call them,
    'Of course! And your money is safe, I assure you.'
    She didn't care if he did raise one deliberately sarcastic eyebrow at
her. She was here with Garon Hunt, and Garon was going to look after her
tonight - in more ways than one, probably!
    The Duca di Cavalieri moved on with his companion and Sara resisted
sternly the temptation to stick out her tongue at his retreating back. Part of
her mind was appalled at herself. She had never, ever, done anything as
impossibly vulgar as that in her life before! Maybe she was tipsy enough already.
    'Feel like exploring?'
    Thank God Garon had seen fit to rescue her. Sara's smile burst out at
him brilliantly. I'd love to. Especially the tennis courts.'
    'You got it!'
    Sara was to wonder, afterwards, what might have happened if all the
others hadn't come traipsing after them.
    'What's the bet, anyway?' someone said vaguely, and she shrugged.
    'How would I know?' But she had begun to have a suspicion. More than a
suspicion, especially when Uncle Theo came up to her, still frowning.
    'I put my money on you, darn it, in spite of the fact that your sister
Sara's the tennis champ! Maybe she's taught you a few pointers.'
    'Oh, but she's taught me everything she knows!' Sara was hefting the
racquet she

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