Love or Money?
said, frustration turning into anger. Who did he think he was? Did he truly expect to call her out of the blue after their last conversation of calling time on the relationship and she be grateful for it?
    “ Whoa, listen, you’re over-reacting. We both knew we needed some time out but I’m ready now, darling. I get it. I get the whole commitment thing. And I want to do it” he replied, voice softening. “With you, Sylvia. I want to do it with you.”
    Holding the phone away from her ear in shock, Sylvia looked at her assistant and shook her head in amazement, before bursting into laughter.
    “You really are something, Phillip. I told you that I wanted to end things.  That’s E. N. D. That means over. Done with. Finished. Let it sink in to that tiny mind of yours. I don’t want you, Phillip and I certainly don’t want commitment with you.” 
    Sylvia noticed her assistant staring at her with wide, shocked eyes and quickly walked toward the kitchenette area for more privacy.
    A stunned silence greeted her from the other end of the line. She was certain that Phillip had just received his first real rejection from a woman. She waited with interest as she heard him clear his throat. 
    “ So there isn’t anything I can do to win you back?” he asked in a small, hurt voice.
    Sylvia looked at the handset in confusion. Was he serious? Phillip Moore was actually grovelling and sounding genuinely sincere. She felt a gentle pull on her heart strings. She’d been harsh in order to protect herself from his egotistical and self-assured arrogance that he’d easily win her back. Had she over reacted? 
    “ I’m sorry, Phillip; I just feel we are too different for one another. I can’t see this relationship working in the longer term. I want a man who doesn’t need me to push him for his time and focus. Someone that makes me feel wanted. I don’t feel that with you” Sylvia said sadly.
    Phillip sighed in defeat. 
    “ I love you though. I didn’t realise it until now. But I think I was scared; I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I guess I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I backed off. Too little too late, I suppose.”
    Listening quietly, Sylvia felt herself soften to his words. She wasn’t used to him speaking so openly and honestly. It was a glimpse into the part of him that had originally attracted her in the first instance when she’d been scheduled in as his substitute make -up artist. Whilst making him presentable for his morning show, she’d found herself intrigued as he made notes for his show’s topic debate. He’d seemed genuinely moved by the plight of the street children in India. Asking her opinion on whether his questions were ethical, she had warmed to him as she found he’d shared lots of her views. He had even used one of her quotes for his interview.
    Closing her eyes and hoping she wasn’t about to make a regrettable decision, she took a deep breath.
    “Maybe its best we meet and talk in person. I can’t pretend that I love you too because a lot of my feelings I have blocked towards you and, in honesty, I’m uncertain of whether we have a future. But if that is truly the way you feel, then I’m willing to give things a try.”
    A small part of Sylvia felt heavy a s she arranged to meet him the following day at his house. She hung up the call and glanced at her watch, trying to decipher her true feelings for Phillip. It was unhealthy to constantly question his intentions and feelings towards her and even now, after his declaration, she wasn’t sure if she could trust him. What if he was just saying these things to win her over? Would he then get what he wanted and once again leave her hanging and waiting for his time and focus? 
    Sylvia’s assistant lo omed awkwardly in the doorway. “Sylvia, Donatella and her team have arrived. She’s in the dressing room.”
    It was time to put her personal issues aside; Sylvia replaced her mobile in her pocket and followed her

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