Love, Lies & The D.A.

Love, Lies & The D.A. by Rebecca Rohman

Book: Love, Lies & The D.A. by Rebecca Rohman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Rohman
travelled to Seattle, Portland, San Diego, L.A., Reno, and Las Vegas. Does that
sound correct?”
but Reno and Las Vegas. He’s been there recently?”
nods. “Interesting you should ask that. Every single time he traveled… to
anywhere, he made a detour to either Reno or Las Vegas. Most of the time, the
bulk of the trip was spent in those two places.”
So now not only was he stealing from me, he was lying to me about where he
went. Was he there two weeks ago?”
he was… in Las Vegas.”
there other affairs?”
far, one we can find. A married woman named Alison McNabb, but your friend also
accompanied him on many of those trips. She was also the one who discovered his
body and called the police.”
sorry. I know all this must be shocking.”
did their affair start?”
what we can tell, about nine months ago.”
is unbelievable,” I say, rising to my feet and strolling away from the table. I
pace the windows.
did I not notice any of this? We saw each other almost every day. Spoke to each
other several times a day. Stayed at each other’s place several times a week.
How could I be so stupid not to notice or be suspicious of anything?”
trusted him.”
never gave me a reason not to. Until I walked in on him and Koto. Obviously,
the police must have all this information… They still think I killed him?”
guess they’re trying to characterize you as a pissed off ex.”
I think we’ve gone over enough for now. You’re going to be in town for a
think when I leave this office I might head straight back to Lake Tahoe.”
too. You know where to find me if you need me.”
shake hands, and he escorts me to the elevator.
Jada, I know all of this has been very overwhelming and worrisome, but we’ll
get you through this.”
is the understatement of the year.”
know…” he says, looking at me sadly. “But I will do everything within my power
to get you past this.”
The elevator door opens, and I wave him goodbye. I try to decide if I should
head back to my penthouse or hit the road bound for Lake Tahoe.
doors open to the underground parking lot. As I walk towards my car, I hear the
shutters of numerous cameras go off. I look behind me, and I see swarms of
reporters with cameras running towards me. As I approach the car, another set
are also heading towards me. There must be thirty or forty of them. They
surround me, and I’m not sure what to do.
a scary experience. I try to remain calm, but all these people are shouting,
calling out my name and asking me questions. I try to focus, but I feel like I
can’t breathe. I feel woozy, I lose my balance, and then everything goes black.

Chapter 4
    I open
my eyes to very bright lights. I hear loud sirens. I see a man and a woman. The
woman smiles at me and tells me to remain calm. I finally realize I’m in an
ambulance. I close my eyes.
while later, I reopen them. There are no sirens. There are bright lights, but
it is mostly quiet, with the exception of a few muffled voices. I am in the
hospital. I’m eventually able to sit up.
    A few
minutes later, a short Indian woman, probably in her fifties, enters the room.
Her nametag reads Dr. Pricilla Parsaud.
Ms. McLean.”
    “Dr. Parsaud.”
do you feel?”
little anxious but at least I can breathe. I have a headache and the tips of my
fingers tingle.”
had a panic attack. You’re very stressed. Let me check you vitals.”
goes through all the normal procedures.
blood pressure is still very high. I want you to lie back… try to relax.”
    I look
at my watch and realize about forty-five minutes have gone by.
I be able to go home soon?”
later, but

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