Love Lies Bleeding
the arms of a dark-haired zombie, that she hadn’t seen creep up behind her.
    The zombie clutched Pamela to his chest and sunk his teeth into her neck.
    Her eyes widened with the excruciating pain. She was unable to scream or fight. The zombie had punctured an artery, the lifeblood draining quickly from her body as the creature gulped at the flood.
    This was the death she’d been seeking all day, but she hadn’t fulfilled it on her own terms. Pamela shuddered and sighed. “Oh, Grady … I’ve lost you …”
    The zombie jerked back from tearing farther into Pamela’s neck.
    It was Grady.
    Pamela’s blood flooded down and over her bosom to stain the front of her ivory dress. Grady clumsily turned Pamela to face him. She couldn’t immediately focus enough to understand that she was finally back in Grady’s arms.
    Zombie Grady howled in painful despair.
    Pamela swayed. Zombie Grady grasped her, carefully lowering her to the floor. All the while, he let out a low, keening growl.
    Pamela fought to keep her eyes open. She reached up to touch Zombie Grady’s face. “Grady? Grady!”
    Zombie Grady frantically pressed his hands to the open wound on Pamela’s neck, but those hands were made for rending flesh, not healing it. Blood slowly seeped across the floor.
    “I gave up, even though I knew you’d come for me. I knew you wouldn’t have really left. I gave up.”
    With another howling roar, Zombie Grady lifted Pamela up off the floor and cradled her in his arms.
    “But they didn’t break me,” Pamela whispered in his ear. “I didn’t betray us, I stayed true, true to you, my love …”
    She died.
    Zombie Grady was utterly distraught. Like a child, he rocked back and forth with Pamela’s lifeless body in his arms.
    Zombie Karli rounded the corner, chewing on a snack of Zombie Dwayne’s arm. It was his right arm, which would make it the second one she’d managed to rip off.
    Seeing Pamela and Zombie Grady, she dropped the arm. Zombie Karli opened her mouth in a gruesome reflection of her former grin. Then she threw herself to the ground to lap at the pool of Pamela’s blood.
    Zombie Grady roared in indignation, then smashed a backhand across Zombie Karli’s head that sent her flying into the wall. He was crazy strong and insanely fast — stronger and faster than Zombie Karli. The doctor, if he wasn’t lying a few rooms away with a bullet in his brain, might postulate that this was because Grady had been live injected with the serum, and it had longer to mutate his body.
    Zombie Karli reared up on all fours and growled at Zombie Grady. Zombie Grady, still cradling Pamela, carefully lowered his dead love into the chair to which she was still cuffed. Then he turned on Zombie Karli.
    He was absolutely livid.
    Suddenly seeming to realize her mistake, Zombie Karli attempted to make a run for it. Zombie Grady was faster. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and slammed her face against the concrete wall. She struggled, but his anger overpowered her. As she fell to her knees, he flipped her to face him. Then, ever-so-slowly, he twisted her neck until it snapped.
    Zombie Grady dropped the body to the ground, even as it still clawed viciously at his legs. He pressed his foot onto Zombie Karli’s broken neck, reached down, and grabbed a fistful of her gorgeous hair. Then he pulled her head right off.
    Without a second thought, Zombie Grady tossed the head away like a used gum wrapper, then crossed back toward Pamela. He tipped over the computer processor that Pamela had dragged all the away from Karli’s office, and stared down at it stupidly. Then, he cracked the case as easily as a nut, and ripped out the hard drive.
    Somewhat satisfied with this, he snapped the handcuff where it bound Pamela to the chair, gathering her up in his arms.
    Then Zombie Grady carried Pamela’s still-dead body down the hall toward the clearly marked exit.


    Ryerson United Church, Kerrisdale


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