Love Lies Bleeding
movie-star perfect. She ran a hand over her hair to smooth it. She didn’t have the time or the tools to replicate the French twist, but at least her hair was shiny clean.
    Then she turned back to the door. It was still locked.
    Pamela stepped back, set the computer on the ground, picked up the chair, and, averting her face, smashed it against the window. It bounced. She swung the chair again and again. The tempered glass spiderwebbed, and then shattered.
    Pamela placed the computer processor on the chair, wheeled the chair next to the window, and climbed onto it. Noticing the bloodstain on the nearby, still intact, window, she glanced around the empty hallway with a frown.  
    Satisfied she was in the clear, she carefully climbed through into the hall beyond. Then she reached back to pull the computer and the chair through. Glass crunched underneath her shoes as she walked, heading in the direction that her map told her was farther into the building.
    As she made her way carefully along her chosen route, referencing the map only occasionally, Pamela noticed something odd almost at once.
    All along the corridor, the doors to the cells stood open.  
    Nearing one cell, she carefully lifted the chair for a moment to keep it silenced. Pamela looked inside to see a Zombie Prisoner feasting on a dead guard. At least at first glance, it seemed like the zombie was dressed as a patient and that the dead man wore some sort of uniform.  
    “Oh!” Pamela cried.
    The zombie, her face smeared with blood, looked up at Pamela with a grimace. She clacked her teeth.
    “Excuse me.” Pamela took a step back and politely closed the door to the cell. She was more than a little dismayed, but completely unsure of what she’d just interrupted.
    Inside, the zombie flung herself at the door with a wail of frustration. The creature twisted the handle futilely, pounding on the door.
    Pamela wandered farther down the hall, her attention now firmly focused on the map. Determination had cut through her pain and suffering. She checked door numbers as she passed. Her pace quickened as she anticipated her goal.
    Grady’s cell.
    Pamela flung open the door. The cell was empty. Her smile faded.
    She stepped back and contemplated the long hall she’d just traversed. Then she stuffed the map in her bag and continued onward.
    Passing along yet another hall that looked exactly the same as each earlier hall, Pamela and her chair turned a corner. Unlike the earlier halls, this one wasn’t empty, however.
    Before she even registered his presence, Zombie Dwayne had pinned her against the rough concrete wall. His teeth gnashed toward her neck.
    She screamed.
    Zombie Dwayne stupidly paused to slather his gruesome desire. But then, just as he dipped his head to rip Pamela’s throat out, Zombie Karli yanked him off of her. Pamela felt a moment of relief. But then, having flung Zombie Dwayne to the floor, Zombie Karli lunged for Pamela’s throat herself. The computer tower toppled off the chair, and slid across the concrete floor.
    Frantic, Pamela managed to get the chair up in between her and Zombie Karli, its legs blocking the zombie’s attack. For a moment, all she could do was scream directly into the face of her best friend turned flesh-eating monster.
    Zombie Dwayne rose from where Zombie Karli had thrown him, and with a furious growl, yanked Zombie Karli back from Pamela. As the two began to literally rip each other apart while fighting over her, Pamela, beyond terrified, inched back around the corner and away from the dead predators. She kept the chair in a ready defensive position, and dragged the computer processor along the ground as quietly as possible, but the zombies’ attention was clearly on each other.
    Zombie Dwayne fell. Zombie Karli howled in triumph, then reached down to rip one of his arms off.
    Unable to bear seeing any further horror, Pamela fled.
    Only to be snatched into

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