Love Lies Bleeding
poring over files. When nothing popped, he left the office with Daniel by his side and made their way to Anderson's place. The house was locked up tight after being cleaned and after picking the lock, he stood in the threshold smiling.
    "Remind me to change my locks." Daniel walked around him with a smile. "The fact that you can do that scares me."
    "Hey, a lock is a lock so it doesn't matter if you change them." Leo shrugged. "Besides, it's not like you have anything in your house I haven't seen before."
    "You'd be surprised. Look, the property isn't a crime scene anymore and it would take Anderson way too long to get here to give me a key. I don't have that kind of time."
    "Or patience," Anderson added.
    Leo chuckled and they continued into the house. They started their nosing around in the kitchen being sure to put things back the way they found them. They didn't have a warrant, which made what they were doing very illegal. He chose to think Anderson wouldn't mind but what did he know? There were many layers to the professor Leo had yet to see.
    The place smelled like it should after being locked up for a while and Leo had to resist the urge to pop a window open.
    Daniel overturned a pillow. "What exactly are we looking for? I mean you guys obviously had cleaners come through here."
    "I guess we'll know when we find it."
    "That's reassuring."
    Leo ignored that statement and continued from the kitchen to what looked to be Anderson's office. It felt strange being alone in the house. He'd gone through it before but as a cop with people around and he was on a mission. Then, he was searching the usual evidence. Now he just didn't know what he was doing. He was grasping for something—anything that would make this case click and snap from the funk it was in.
    In a drawer at the bottom of the desk, he found a piece of paper. He wasn't sure what it was but it was folded neatly and shoved in between the tracks. He only knew it was there when he pulled the drawer out and it took a bit of muscle to get it back in. He unfolded the paper and tilted his head. It was a list of numbers and letters.
    "Now that's strange," Leo muttered to himself.
    "You said something?"
    Leo quickly refolded the paper and shoved it into his pocket. If they were right and this guy was going around killing people he was close to, letting Daniel in on it would only end badly. He was going to do what he could to keep his partner safely out of it. They both didn't need to lose their badges or worse, become another victim of the killer they hunted.
    "Nothing at all," Leo lied.
    "There's nothing here," Daniel called then entered the room. "And I'm starting to feel as if someone is playing a drum on my brain. I'm going to head home. I have to talk to the wife anyway."
    "You two aren't going to fight again, are you?"
    Daniel shrugged. "I'm all fought out. I'll see you later. I'm going to head home and try not to go crazy or do anything stupid."
    "You do that. I'm going to go talk to the guys in the lab. Maybe there's something they missed."
    "Oh, they'll take that well."
    "The world's smallest violin, man."
    * * * *
    Time ticked by with Anderson trying to get to spend some time with Byung. It was a pain for Byung kept having things come up on days Anderson was free. Finally, Anderson put his foot down and told Byung he was getting kidnapped. After a quick stop to see Leo and bringing him some lunch, getting to Caesar's didn't take too long for it was only a couple of blocks from the precinct. It was a popular, posh gay restaurant where anyone who's anyone ate. Yes, it was mainly for gay couples but they had amazing food—especially cheesecake, something a lot of people in New York were addicted to. But Anderson didn't feel like eating more calories than he could burn that day and he didn't want to start eating junk when he felt as bad as he did.
    Anderson walked into his regular haunt and stopped at the host podium.
    "Hello, Marc."

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