Love Gifts
I f you know the poems of Helen Steiner Rice, you know this book will bring you page after page of the soaring uplift, the inspiring faith, the spiritual challenge, and the down-to-earth directness that always speak to the heart.
    If you haven’t yet fallen in love with this amazing author, let us introduce her to you with a few comments based on her name:
. “I am a very ordinary person,” this woman whose writings have sold in the millions always insisted. But she had the extraordinary gift of bringing ordinary people life-changing inspiration, faith, and hope.
. Losing her husband almost as soon as she married, Helen Steiner Rice knew the depths of shadow—and the heights of sunshine—that can touch any soul. Readers immediately sense that she is attuned to every human emotion.
. These verses demonstrate her heartwarming love for her fellow humans, for God’s beautiful creation, and for the Creator Himself.
. The word means “God within.” Helen was filled with His spirit of contagious interest in everyone and everything, a spirit of zest for life and vibrant creativity.
. Many people don’t read poetry because it seems to be written in an unknown tongue. The writings of Helen Steiner Rice are so readable because they are in words everyone can immediately appreciate.
    S—Spiritual Strength
. Thousands of readers draw divine power for living from these verses.
. The spirit of gratitude to God for His wonderful world and His love and grace overflows each word.
. We sense a divine empowerment as Helen’s lyrics fill our minds.
. Although this word is much overused today, men and women who feel they have hit bottom constantly find in these lines the inspiring courage to soar again.
. When you read one of these poems, you immediately feel in touch with a kindred spirit, a spiritual neighbor. Helen Steiner Rice’s writings, published in many countries, make her neighbor to the world.
. A little boy, used to seeing saints in stained glass windows, said, “A saint is somebody that lets the light through.” These poems lighten our dark corners by helping us to see the Light of the world.
. The radiant optimism and faith and love that characterized the author’s life shine through her writings.
. Although this word often has negative connotations today, the apostle James wrote, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27). Helen Steiner Rice’s life was filled with that kind of loving concern and dedication, and these writings reflect it.
. Not the abstract intellectualism of the ivory-towered philosopher, but the practical, spiritual wisdom of the Bible shines through Helen’s writings.
. Tragedy strikes us all, sooner or later. The inspiring thoughts in these verses have enabled thousands of readers to face the aftermath of disappointment and sorrow with the consolation of renewed courage and confidence.
. The book of Proverbs ends with the words, “Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all …. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates” (Proverbs 31:29, 31). We believe the excellence of these works speaks for itself. “Let her own works praise her.”
    We are proud to present these Love Gifts from one of the world’s best-loved authors, Helen Steiner Rice.
    The Publisher


    Love is like magic and it always will be,
    For love still remains life’s sweet mystery.
    Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
    And there’s nothing in life that love cannot change.
    Love can transform the most commonplace
    Into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace.

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