Love by the Letter
to Neil. “But that doesn’t explain why she’d ignore my letter. I told her about Miss Pratt.”
    “Which means she didn’t get it.” Neil cleared his throat. “I love my mother, but she’s manipulating Rachel into college and uses Rachel’s tendency to second-guess herself.”
    So a dragon guarded the castle turrets. “Then how do I get around your mother?”
    “Rachel’s at the library now. She helps Mr. Peterson with whatever one does at libraries when they’re closed.”
    Tremors overtook Dex as he contemplated a quick change of plans. Plans he had no time for. But he didn’t have much choice—not if he wanted the woman he loved by his side.
    “The group won’t wait for me.” What would he do with his wagon piled high with supplies for the frontier?
    “What’s more important, Dex?”
    “Your sister of course. I just . . .” He looked between his wagon and town. Must he abandon one dream for the other?
    Neil clamped onto his arm. “I’ll talk to Jamison, convince him to start the group slow. If you want, Patricia can drive your team for awhile.” He jabbed a finger at Dex’s vehicle. “You got enough to keep my sister provided for if she comes?”
    Dex’s hands grew slick, and he rubbed them against his pants. Would Rachel really leave with him? Today? “We could make do.”
    “Then why are you still standing here?”
    “The scheduled stop in Lawrence should buy me time. I’ll take my wagon and catch up later.” Dex shook Neil’s hand and then ran to his team.
    Even if Rachel cared for him as her brother suggested, would she be willing to marry him and head off to Kansas within the day?
    Married . He could be married by tomorrow.

Chapter 7
    With a hard twist, Rachel finally turned the skeleton key in the library door’s lock. A slight push opened the darkly stained oaken door, and the smell of paper and ink washed over her. Hopefully she could find some tranquility here. Though she didn’t intend to do much work today, only pray and read her Bible.
    Keep Neil, Patricia, and Everett safe as they start their new life. Help me figure out what to do with mine. I should have asked You long ago what You’d have me do. Please give me direction today. I know You want to give me the desires of my heart, but I should be talking that through with You. Turn my desires into Yours.
    And yes, watch over Dex and his new wife too.
    Opening the shades to read by sunlight, she ignored the ache the last part of her prayer created in every muscle of her body. Maybe she’d read a little, then pray until she fell asleep. Sleep should brighten her outlook, even if she had to doze upright in the little library’s only upholstered chair.
    She settled herself and put on the spectacles she only used when her eyes were tired. Holding the thick Bible in her lap, she turned to where she’d left off. She hadn’t the strength to search for anything, so she’d just spend time with God and hope He’d supply a verse to ease her pain. Being cut loose from the life she’d imagined for so long left her at the mercy of a fickle wind like a spent autumn leaf. She couldn’t bear to live that way for long. But the further she read without receiving any balm for her soul, the more she yearned to curl up and disappear.
    How long until she could think of Dex without her heart throbbing? How long until God gave her a purpose?
    I give up. Can you say something to me now? Anything. Do you want me to go to school?
    Knock, and the door shall be opened to you.
    Doors. Opened or closed, knocked-upon or not. What did it matter?
    All I wanted was for Dex to care for me. I even knocked. Granted, I didn’t bother until too late. So is that what You want to teach me? Find something to knock about but don’t wait so long next time?
    But what should she knock for that she could have? God wouldn’t condone her knocking for the love of a married man. But right now, she didn’t desire anything but Dex.
    Thump, thump, thump. The hair

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