Love Bites

Love Bites by Angela Knight

Book: Love Bites by Angela Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Knight
    Percival almost broke off to ask if he’d hurt her.
Of course I didn’t hurt her
, he told himself impatiently.
I’ve dommed enough women to know what I’m doing
    Though none of them had been Morgana. None of them ever gave him a hard-on up to his navel, until he was holding on to his self-control by his fingernails.
    Smack followed smack, five of them, making her cheeks jiggle and redden.
    Lifting her off his lap, he rose and put her down on her high heels, then grabbed a handful of her silky black hair. Pulling her head back, he growled in her ear, “I want to see your cunt and arse. I do not give orders twice.”
    Morgana turned and bent over slowly, stiffly, as if fighting her own instinct to tell him to bugger off. Again, the robe blocked his view, and he reached out to sweep it aside, draping it over her right hip. He grabbed the scrap of lace that was the thong, twisted, and jerked, shredding it.
    She gasped. His cock hardened even more, bucking against the fly of his jeans with a hunger so dark and feral, it was all he could do not to unzip and just ram into her like a beast in rut. “Over all the way. Grab your ankles.”
    He braced to spank her again—he couldn’t believe she’d simply obey him—but Morgana bent, though with a shivering hesitation that stoked the burn of his lust. A delicious, tantalizing scent wafted from her cunt.
    “Smell that?” he said to his brothers in a rough growl.
    Cador grinned at him wickedly. “Wet cunt.”
    “She’s got a pretty arse.” Marrok sounded hoarse. He shifted restlessly. Percival forced himself not to send the other men from the room so he could devour her in greedy solitude, drinking from her throat between fucking and buggering her.
    Liege or not, I’m going to kick Arthur’s arse for putting me in this position—
I finish fucking her until she can’t stand up
    *   *   *
    M organa had never been so aroused in all her long life. Gripping her ankles in white-knuckled hands, she fought not to pant. She’d had fantasies like this. Wanton daydreams after particularly difficult missions, when she knew the team had headed off to one of their perverted mortal clubs to punish and fuck whatever lucky submissives fell into their hands.
    Now here she was at last, bent and spread.
    “Wider,” Percival said in that rumbling growl. Sliding an arm around her waist, he lifted her onto her toes and kicked her spiked heels further apart, then lowered her to her feet again.
    Percival parted her vaginal lips with big, warm fingers. As if he owned her, as if she were a slave and not just an Oath Servant. “Merlin’s balls, she really is wet.” He slid a broad forefinger into her pussy in an endless, seductive stroke and pumped.
    For an electric, humiliating moment, she listened to the juicy evidence of her own arousal. Morgana watched upside down through her wide-spread thighs as the three men stared hungrily at her glistening pussy.
    “Why, Morgana, you kinky little tart,” Cador drawled. “This
turning you on, isn’t it?”
    Her face blazed with the heat of a furious blush. She wanted to deny it, but she’d done enough lying for one night. She was on thin ice with Percival as it was.
    “Fuck me,” Marrok breathed. “Look at that. So wet. She’s so damned wet.”
    “And so fucking helpless,” Cador added in a wicked male purr. “No magic at all. No way to keep Percival from doing any damned thing he wants with her. Lucky bastard.”
    God, her mouth was dry. Her heart pounded so hard, she knew the three vampires must hear it. Did it make them hungry?
    “You’re shaking,” Percival rumbled. “Are you afraid, Morgana?”
    The words came out of her mouth by sheer unthinking reflex. “Don’t be absurd.”
    “What?” Percival snarled.
    Morgana, you idiot,
she thought, as her heart sank, remembering belatedly that she’d just thought she’d lied to Percival enough for one night.
    A hand fisted in her hair and jerked her upright,

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