Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2)

Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2) by Katie Oliver Page B

Book: Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2) by Katie Oliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Oliver
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    “Fun?” Alex regarded her incredulously. “Do you think it’s
, knowing that every spot-faced teenage girl in England—”
    “Scotland and Wales, too, actually,” Holly interjected helpfully. “Our readership encompasses the entire UK.”
    “-and, even worse, those girls’
, think that I condone a leg-over on the first date? What sort of credibility do you think that gives me as a solicitor? Or even worse, as a potential MP?”
    Holly bristled. “In all fairness, it’s not like you’ve admitted to…to embezzling money, or anything.”
    “Lunch is served!” Cherie announced as she thrust her head around the door. She set a tray with roast lamb and chicken and assorted overcooked vegetables down on Holly’s lap. “Your father and Hannah just arrived. Alex, do come downstairs and join the rest of us in the dining room.”
    Holly heard a commotion downstairs as the dogs began a chorus of barking and her sister bellowed out, “I’m home, everybody! Remain as you are!”
    Her footsteps pounded up the stairs, and a moment later Hannah burst into the bedroom, her face flushed and wreathed in smiles as she launched herself at Holly. “Hols!”
    “Hannah,” Holly exclaimed, and laughed as her sister flung her arms out to hug her, enveloping them both in her long, brownish-blonde hair. “Let me look at you.”
    Obediently, Hannah straightened and twirled around. She wore jeans and trainers and a West Ham T-shirt, and a hoodie was tied loosely at her waist.
    “Sorry, I dressed for comfort, not style.” She indicated the hoodie. “It’s bloody
in Norwich in the early morning.”
    “How’s uni? Are you liking it? Have you got a boyfriend yet—?”
    “She’d better not.” Alastair, only partly joking, appeared behind his wife. His face was etched with concern. “Are you all right, Holly? Your mother told me what happened. Bloody dogs! Let me send for Dr Marsden—”
    “Thanks, Dad,” Holly murmured, avoiding Alex’s still-disgruntled expression, “but it’s only a sprain. Alex — I mean, Henry — and I were just in the middle of a…discussion.”
    He frowned. “I see. You’re quite sure you’re all right?”
    Holly nodded, touched by his concern but anxious to smooth things over with Alex. “Perfectly. Thanks.”
    Alastair turned to Alex. “Henry? Will you be joining us downstairs for lunch?”
    “Tragically, no.” Alex set his lips in a grim line and glared at Holly. “I think I’ve had just about enough.”
    He conveyed the proper words of thanks to Holly’s parents, cast their daughter another black look, and left.
    Hannah looked at her and raised her brow quizzically. “What was
all about? And who’s Henry?”
    “Never mind all that,” Holly said, and scooted over to make space on the side of her bed. “Come and sit down and let’s catch up before you go downstairs. I want to know
, Holly reflected glumly as Hannah nattered on about her new friends and her eccentric new roommate,
so much for Alex and me getting along like a house on fire
    Thanks to the
interview she’d screwed up so spectacularly, the fire had officially been doused, leaving only a handful of nasty, wet ashes behind.
    On Sunday afternoon Holly ventured downstairs and stowed her duffel bag in the car. Her father had insisted on bringing Dr Marsden out late on Saturday afternoon to look at her ankle. It was now unattractively wrapped in an Ace bandage.
    “Holly, before you go, let’s have a look at that engine.”
    She looked up to see her father coming down the front steps. “Thanks.” She stood aside as he lifted the bonnet and began poking and prodding at various filters, plugs, coils, and the other mysterious paraphernalia that made up the Skoda’s engine.
    “Get in and start it up,” he ordered her.
    Holly slid awkwardly behind the wheel and turned the ignition. “The fault light’s come on,” she called out.
    “Has it come on

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