Lost... In the Jungle of Doom

Lost... In the Jungle of Doom by Tracey Turner

Book: Lost... In the Jungle of Doom by Tracey Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey Turner
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T he Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world, stretching for more than five million square kilometres
    across the top half of South America. More than 30 million people live in the Amazon – most of them live in towns and cities, but some live in the rainforest itself. Hundreds of thousands
    of different plant and animal species live there too. It’s so vast and so hazardous that many people have walked into the Amazon never to return. If you’re going to survive
    you’ll need to have your wits about you.
    Perils of the Rainforest
    The Amazon is home to several large and deadly predators, including black caimans, jaguars, cougars, anacondas (the world’s largest snake) and electric eels. Small but
    dangerous creatures include poison-dart frogs, piranha fish, vampire bats, various venomous snakes and spiders, and biting insects that can transmit life threatening diseases such as malaria,
    yellow fever and dengue fever. There are also the terrible dangers of poisonous plants, water-borne disease and flash floods, which are common in the Amazon.
    Vicious Vegetation
    There aren’t many low-growing plants on the rainforest floor. Because of the dense tree canopy, there’s not very much light to make them grow. You’ll have to
    negotiate tree roots and trailing creepers, but you won’t need to slash through thick undergrowth. There are lots of thorny plants, though, and some of them can irritate your skin as well
    as scratching, so watch out. You also need to be careful of the leaf litter on the forest floor where slithering snakes can often be found lurking ready to attack their prey.
    Night Noises
    The rainforest can be a noisy place, especially at night. There are hundreds of different types of frogs that make whistles, shrieks, and even knocking sounds. There are more
    than a hundred species of monkey – the loudest are howler monkeys, which make an alarming screech that can be heard for miles! You’ll get used to the noises of the jungle if you stay
    here for a while, but in the short term you’re going to have to tell yourself not to worry about them too much.

    Click here to find out some useful jungle survival tips.

Jungle Survival Tips
    •  The right clothing is essential in order to protect you from thorny and poisonous plants, biting insects, spiders and other creepy crawlies, and snakes.
     You need stout boots, and as much of your skin as possible should be covered. Luckily, you are wearing jeans, a hooded sweatshirt and walking boots, and have a thin waterproof jacket bundled
     up in a pocket along with your trusty Swiss Army knife.
    •  Bacteria breeds quickly in the jungle, so stay as clean as possible. Wash in running water and remember to wash your clothes too.
    •  Wash and dry out your feet and footwear too. You might get warm water immersion foot from walking in wet footwear, which can be extremely painful and if
     left untreated can become infected and lead to death.
    •  Always check the ground for snakes as you walk – many are well camouflaged and some are deadly. Use a stick and swish it in front of you to uncover
     dangers and alert small creatures.
    •  Wash any cuts and scratches with boiled water if possible – they can easily become infected if you don’t. Luckily you remember to search the
     plane wreck before setting off and find a slightly dented metal container that you can boil water in.
    Click here to continue your adventure.

The light is failing. Soon it will be completely dark. You can’t begin your journey in darkness, and you need to be safe from night-hunting
    predators, which will be able to see you far more easily than you can see them. You need shelter. You spot a cave not far away. Should you sleep there, or use some of your valuable energy to
    build your own shelter?

    If you decide to sleep in the cave, click here .
    If you decide to build your own shelter, click here .

Y ou make your way towards the cave in the twilight, stepping over

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