Lost Chances

Lost Chances by C.T. Nicholson

Book: Lost Chances by C.T. Nicholson Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.T. Nicholson
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soft hair under her fingers sobered her up quickly. "Are you okay?"
    His body stiffened and he placed his hand over hers. "I'm alright. You laughed."
    "I'm sorry, it's just that I have this thing where I can't help but laugh when someone gets hurt. I didn't think it was funny. I don't know why I do that." Sophia tried to move her hand but he held it there.
    "I like to hear you laugh." His confession shocked her and by the way his eyes widened, she'd say it shocked him, too. He let go of her hand and cleared his throat. "You didn't want to stay for pizza?"
    "I just wanted to come by and say I was sorry for last night." Her stomach picked that time to growl loud enough for a small smile to appear on his lips.
    "I'm not sure what you're apologizing for, but I think you want some of this pizza." He handed her a plate. "Is water good with you? It's all I have. Other than my protein shake."
    "I really should be going. This pizza would not be good for my diet." And staying around him wouldn't be good for her heart or sanity.
    "Diet?" This time he stepped way too close. He placed his hand on her cheek. His thumb caressed her as he moved it back and forth. "You're perfect just the way you are. I think your ex was a complete moron for ever noticing another girl and whoever you end up with will be one lucky bastard."
    She tried to swallow the lump in her throat at the sincerity in his voice and the look in his eyes. If she ever thought he was attracted to her then she definitely thought it then when his eyes dropped to her lips. Do something, Sophia, before you both mess up. "Thank you."
    Yeah. Smooth.
    His gaze darted back up to her eyes and he removed his hand from her cheek. "You're eating no matter what. Forget about your diet. If you feel like crap after eating a few slices, then you can start running with me in the mornings until I leave town."
    Oh how she wanted to just watch him run. That would be so much better than her actually running. She nodded anyways and put a slice on her plate. A moan escaped her lips when she took a bite of the pizza and she felt her cheeks heat when she caught Cooper watching her mouth again.
    "So, you're doing all this on your own?" She couldn't imagine having to go through her grandparents' things and the house she grew up in without the help of her brothers.
    "I've avoided it for seven years and now it's time to get it over with. I guess I'm still avoiding by working on the outside first. My grandma's things are still here too. Papa never went through them before he died and I couldn't bring myself to change anything either." He took a bite of his pizza and browsed around the room.
    "I'll help you." No matter how difficult it would be to stick around him, she couldn't let him go through the pain on his own.
    He watched her for a moment before shaking his head. "I can't ask you to do that."
    "You didn't. I offered and I'm not taking no for an answer."
    He’d almost kissed her and now she offered to help go through his grandparents’ house. The only reason he didn't kiss her was because of Ryan's advice. He really needed to take a cold shower to keep from doing something stupid. He thought it wouldn't be too bad to give her time and then she moaned when she took a bite of her pizza and he was hard as a rock again.
    She wasn't going to let him say no to her. Just don't jump her and you'll be okay. "I would love having your help. Thank you."
    That smile of hers nearly knocked him off his stool. What the hell is wrong with him? The attraction he'd felt before leaving town seemed to have amplified.
    "Good. We can start after we eat." She took another bite and closed her eyes.
    Cooper reached down and adjusted himself. "Do you want to change first?"
    That question brought his attention to the tank top she wore that barely covered her stomach and then those cut-off shorts—hard not to stare at all that beautiful skin. He took another bite of his pizza to keep from saying something stupid.

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