Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders)

Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders) by Rebecca Lorino Pond Page A

Book: Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders) by Rebecca Lorino Pond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond
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didn’t like those words coming out of his mouth.
    “I need to take a shower. Your dinner will be brought to you shorty.” He strode past her and into another room.
    She hadn’t bothered to explore the room she was stuck when he left, so she guessed he went into the bedroom. The sound of water running reached her ears as she sat on the sofa waiting for him to reappear. It didn’t take him long to shower and change.
    He walked past her again without saying a word and went to open the door.
    “Wait, where are you going?” she asked quickly.
    He stopped then turned around slowly to face her. “Does it matter where I go? We are not mated.”
    “Then why do I have to stay in here?”
    “Because as long as you remain on Qetera you are my responsibility. It will take some time to arrange a shuttle to take you to where ever you wish. In the meantime, you will remain in here under guard.”
    He left her then and for some reason she felt crushed. As many times as she told him she wasn’t his mate, she now knew how it felt to be rejected and she didn’t like it one bit.
    Her dinner arrived a short time later only to remain uneaten. Exhaustion took hold of her as she went into the bedroom. She would take a quick shower then go to sleep. She didn’t want to think or feel anymore. The events of the last week had taken its toll on her. She no longer knew what she wanted or needed.
    The hot water felt wonderful on her tired muscles. Her legs still weren’t at a hundred percent so she tired easily. She didn’t even take the time to enjoy the beauty of the bathroom as she stood the water. It was there that the tears were finally left to fall. Tears she had been holding in ever since she saw Mark murder that man in cold blood. She cried until the tears were gone then got out of the shower and dried her body.
    The shirt she had been wearing was dirty and she didn’t want to put it back on, but she had nothing else to wear. Keeping the towel wrapped around her body, she climbed into the big bed. The smell of Etor instantly hit her. Everything in the room smelled of him. The pillows, the sheets, the cover, the air.
    “Just get some sleep and we’ll figure it all out in the morning,” she told herself. Sleep didn’t come easily as she listened to the storm outside the window. It had to be nearly midnight before she finally fell into a restless and disturbing sleep.

Chapter 11
    Etor stayed away from his private rooms as much as he could for the last week. He only went there to shower and change clothes and to get a glimpse of Maggie. He tried to keep himself as busy as he could but it was of no use. Every waking moment was filled with thoughts of her.
    Vulmar left for Earth as planned and would report back as soon as he had any news. The patrols he sent out hadn’t come across anything unusual for the time being. The Lephus were keeping a low profile which was actually a scary thing. It was times like this Ruehar was known for his surprise attacks.
    Security had been tightened on the planet as well as the surrounding area outside the planet. He wasn’t taking any chances of Ruehar getting one of his people through. He travelled to Nallume a couple of times to help his father oversee the continuing cleanup of the city, but still his mind wondered back to Maggie.
    He all owed her finally the roam of the house. He didn’t think it was very fair of him to keep her locked up in the room considering she had nowhere to go. Any shuttles leaving the surface from his city had to get prior authorization. After the first night of giving Maggie her freedom, he felt confident she wouldn’t go far. He asked several of the servants of her whereabouts during the day and most reported the same thing, she either spent her time in the garden or with Kelly and the other two females.
    Late one night he barged into his room thinking she would be asleep only to find her and her friends

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