Losing You (Stars On Fire Book 4)

Losing You (Stars On Fire Book 4) by Ryleigh Andrews

Book: Losing You (Stars On Fire Book 4) by Ryleigh Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryleigh Andrews
Tags: Losing You
needed to be complete. Resigned to the fact it wasn’t, he responded, “Count on it. One p.m.”
    Mia surprised him when her soft lips grazed his cheek. “Bye, Tom,” she said, a shy grin gracing her gorgeous face, before ducking out of the building and leaving him.

    April 7, 2008
    Tom was prepared. Along with his small notebook and pen he always took with him, he had new condoms in his wallet. Just in case . . . because when he was around Mia something just happened to him—all logic thrown out the door.
    Bumping into her on the street like that after two years of not seeing her was definitely not how he’d expected their reunion. The very last time he’d seen her was at a New Year’s Eve party as they’d celebrated the beginning of 2006. She’d brought Luke. Tom had had enough of that and had cornered Luke to enlighten him as to how his back and forth with Mia was bad for her. The man had been clueless as to how Mia dealt with him leaving her over and over, but Tom saw the realization fill the other man’s eyes.
    As well as love. That was a little hard to see. Luke did love Mia, and Tom knew then that Luke would do right by her.
    And Luke had. Tom had thought he’d finally have his chance but a few months later, Mia and the band got their big break and she ended up on the arm of Ethan but now . . . she was free.
    This was it.
    Wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans, Tom rang the doorbell. Not two seconds later, the door flew open and Mia stood before him in a pair of body hugging jeans and a gray tank top with a hot pink bra strap peeking out and a wide grin on her beautiful face.
    “Tommy!” she exclaimed, throwing herself at him and wrapping him in her embrace.
    “Hi there, baby girl,” he said, returning the embrace and putting his arms around her waist and lifting her in the air. The use of that nickname just flowed out of his mouth . . . she was the baby of the group and a girl. They were guys and weren’t very creative when it came to nicknames.
    Tom closed his eyes when she nuzzled her face against his neck, breathing him in. His cheek brushed against hers and he couldn’t stop himself when he replaced his cheek with his lips. Letting them linger on her skin. “So good to see you again. Two times in less than a week. Much better than what it was.”
    Knowing he should put her down, but not caring, he locked his eyes on her face, gazing at her beauty. She hadn’t looked away but the pinkening of her cheeks let him know that he was affecting her.
    “You look good,” he said in appreciation, finally letting her down and took the opportunity to let his eyes travel all over her. “Very good.”
    “Thanks. You’re as handsome as ever,” she replied, reaching behind him and closing the door.
    Not able to take his eyes off her, they exchanged some small talk before she took him on a tour of her house. As they went from room to room, idea after idea sprung into his mind which he jotted down in his notebook. He was focused on what she asked him here to do—design furniture—but the moment she mentioned her bedroom, Tom felt his whole demeanor change. He’d never been in her bedroom and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t interested or that he’d never thought of what could happen in there.
    “Lead the way, Mia,” he said.
    She stood in place while studying him, before moving onto the back stairway that led upstairs. “The entire third floor is the master suite. My office,” she said, opening the door to the room at the back of the house. Sticking his head into the room, Tom quickly looked around, cringing at the Ikea table currently holding her laptop and deciding the first thing he would do was make her the coolest desk she’d ever seen.
    “Walk-in closet,” she said matter-of-factly, as they entered the space. Tom’s eyes soaked up as much as they could of her clothing until they landed on a familiar shirt. The same shirt he’d peeled off of her before seeing her breasts for the

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