Losing You: a prequel to It's Not Over

Losing You: a prequel to It's Not Over by Melissa M. Marlow

Book: Losing You: a prequel to It's Not Over by Melissa M. Marlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa M. Marlow
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long enough and I loved him with my whole heart.  We made our way to the bed but stopped at the side.  His hands moved to unzip me bit by bit with an antagonizing leisureliness.  I sighed with a laugh that’s when he stopped to gaze into my eyes.  Without the smile his dimples gouged his cheeks.  After pulling the strap from my shoulder he kissed there with delicacy that sent shivers down my back.  Wanting more of this tingling sensation I held his face to me turning my head to give him room on my neck.  His hesitation seemed to stop him from continuing.  It’s the expression that played on his face left me wondering if he’s changing his mind.  Watching his eyes search the room my stomach did a flip.  Tonight, our last chance to be together and he’s changing his mind now?  As his eyes came back to meet mine they sparkled bright from the light through the window.  Or it could be the thought of consummating our love that made them shine like that.  With raised eyebrows he confessed, “Candles.”
    Relief washed over me as my knees went week.  Wanting to fall to the bed I refused to let my body cave so easily.  When he let go of me I laughed and observed him lighting each candle as he made his way around the room.  Taking each other’s hands when we met at the side of his bed he confessed, “I really don’t know how to make this perfect.”
    “You just did, Paul.”  I put my arms around his neck and kissed him in a way that should have curled his toes.  His arms wrapped around my waist and held me tight while returning my kisses.  When we both stopped kissing we held tight to each other not knowing how to take the next step.  Planning it out like this made it uncomfortable and nervous for both of us. 
    If we’re going to get through this tonight something had to change, “Paul, turn around first.”
    Brown Puppy dog eyes popped out of his head when he pulled away to see my face.  That questioning, doubtful face stared at me as his body went rigid.
    My voice a little shaky I pleaded, “I am so nervous.  Can we crawl in the bed and explore first?”
    Though his lips curved into a smile he only kissed my nose before turning around as I asked.  I slid the dress off and crawled into the bed covering myself.
    “I’m ready, Paul.”
    Laughing with anticipation he turned but motioned for me to turn away, “Your turn.”
    The bed caved under his weight, and the heat of his body warmed me as he crawled in next to me. Not wanting to wait a minute longer to be next to him I curled my body to his.  Entwining my legs in his, I ran my hand along his chest, and kissed him over and over along his neck.
    He kissed me carefully, but his hand trace up my leg.  When his hand reached my core he stopped kissing me, “Did you change your mind?”
    I shook my head grinning from ear to ear, “I have never gone to bed completely naked.  It’s weird.”
    Again he kissed my nose, but disappeared beneath the covers.  Just to witness him in play I lifted the covers.  Those eyes came back to meet mine filled with delight.  The flick of his tongue against his lips caused a heat reaction between my legs.  We would have no problem if he slid into me right now the moisture between my legs told me this.  With the sexiest smile on his lips he made contact with my stomach.  Instinctively my hand moved to his head running my fingers through his messy hair.  A whimper came from deep within me; the sensation too good to refuse.  Abruptly it came to an end when he slid my underpants from my body moving away from me further into the depths of the covers.  It wasn’t in me to complain, but I groaned with disappointment.  Crawling back up the bed to me he hovered gazing into my eyes.  His stare as innocent as a new born, guilt washed over me for what I have planned.
    Voice gruff with restraint he demanded, “Jess, touch me.”
    Letting my fingers trail up his arms and biceps my attention on how dark his eyes seemed

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