Lose Yourself (The Desires Unlocked Trilogy Part Two)

Lose Yourself (The Desires Unlocked Trilogy Part Two) by Evie Blake Page B

Book: Lose Yourself (The Desires Unlocked Trilogy Part Two) by Evie Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evie Blake
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    ‘How are you, Valentina?’ he added, his voice so soft it was almost a whisper.
    She had been rooted to the spot, gazing at her lost lover, her chest tight, her throat constricted. She wanted so badly to touch him. ‘Fine.’ She could say no more.
    ‘It’s good to see you again,’ he said, his face suddenly illuminated by one of his enigmatic smiles.
    Now Valentina can’t get those words out of her head: ‘It’s good to see you again.’Had he really meant it? She had felt the same, despite the fact he is obviously unavailable. It was so good to actually see Theo again after all these months, and to know that he is OK. If only he wasn’t going out with Anita. She suspects, by his dumbfounded reaction to her presence in the gallery, that he still has some feelings for her at least, or was she imagining his confusion and shock? Yet, even if he does still have feelings for her, she should leave him alone now. He has a new girlfriend – Anita. She is obviously mad about Theo. One of Valentina’s rules is never to interfere between a couple. She doesn’t want to steal Theo from Anita, that would be wrong, and yet . . . What if he wants her as much as she wants him? What if Anita’s feelings are not reciprocated? There is only one person who can help her figure out what to do, and he is back in Milan. She glances at the radio alarm clock. It is one o’clock; that means it’s two in Milan. Better to call Leonardo now than in the morning, when he is sleeping. She pulls back the covers and gets out of bed, slipping on her silk kimono dressing gown before dropping her phone into its pocket and tiptoeing out of the bedroom. She pads downstairs and into Isabella’s living room, a plush cream space with a view of the gated park opposite. It is a windy night and, as she dials Leonardo’s number, she looks out of the window at the trees, their branches waving at her from across the road as if they are urging her on.
    ‘Valentina? Is everything all right?’
    ‘Oh, no, Leonardo; thank God you answered.’ She wishes so much that Leonardo were curled up on the couch with her. She realises that somehow their relationship has gone on to a deeper level, a real friendship, like how it is with Marco.
    ‘What’s wrong?’ He sounds genuinely concerned.
    ‘It’s Theo.’
    Leonardo doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. ‘Did you call him up?’ He sounds tired – not his usual self.
    ‘I’m sorry; have I woken you?’
    It occurs to Valentina that maybe their relationship is rather one-sided. She is always ringing Leonardo and asking for his help. When she thinks about it, he has not once phoned her and asked for her advice.
    ‘No, I’m fine . . .’ he says, hesitating. ‘There’s just stuff going on here . . . I’ll tell you when I see you. Now, tell me about Theo.’
    ‘Leonardo, I saw him today. A complete coincidence: he was at the gallery where the exhibition is on.’ She hesitates, not wanting to tell him about Anita just yet. ‘It was like I was struck down . . . like in one of those stupid Hollywood films . . . like I was hit by lightning, literally. I was just jolted awake; it felt so raw. Oh, Leo, I’ve been so stupid.’
    ‘But it’s good, isn’t it? Now you know for sure how you feel. Now you can tell him – get him back, like you want to.’
    ‘But it’s not as simple as I thought.’ She pauses, licking her lips. ‘He has a girlfriend.’
    ‘No, not Theo.’ Leonardo sounds surprised. ‘Maybe she is just a casual lover, but not a proper girlfriend. He has always wanted you, Valentina; I know that.’
    ‘You’re wrong. She really is his girlfriend. I met her,’ Valentina wails down the phone. ‘And she is so sweet and I know she is in love with him; I can see it.’
    ‘So what are you going to do, Valentina?’
    Valentina chews her lip. Her heart is racing, her head thick with emotions. She knows now, without a doubt, that she loves Theo, but it’s

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