Lorie's Heart

Lorie's Heart by Amy Lillard

Book: Lorie's Heart by Amy Lillard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Lillard
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    Lorie picked up the box of letters, its weight reassuring and stressful all at the same time. She wanted to rip it open and search through the contents to make sure it really contained the promised correspondence from her father. Betty was flighty at best. For all Lorie knew the box could contain useless scraps of paper.
    She wanted to say a small prayer that it contained the words of Henry Kauffman—or Hank Mathis, whichever was his true name. Her stomach fell at the thought that she might not have even known her father’s real name. Her head swam with the notion, and her feet tripped over themselves.
    â€œWhoa, there.” Zach reached out a steadying hand.
    His fingers were warm and strong. Just what she needed at the moment, and she had to resist the urge to lean into him and gather some of that warmth and strength for her own. What would he think of her then? she wondered. Maybe nothing at all. English girls were more forward. But he knew she wasn’t English.
    Before she could give in to her weakness he released her. “I’ll walk you out.”
    Lorie smiled, thankful to have him at her side. “I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I have no idea what leprechaun pudding is.”
    â€œNone of us do. I even searched on the Internet. Nada. We’ve decided that it has to be something she dreamed up in her head. One of the cooks even made vanilla pudding and colored it green with food dye, but she said that wasn’t it.”
    â€œPoor thing.” Lorie didn’t know what else to say.
    They made their way down the hall toward the front of the center. “What time is your friend picking you up?”
    â€œI don’t know. He’s probably waiting in the car.”
    â€œHe should have come back in.”
    â€œHe thinks you like me.” Lorie slapped one hand over her mouth. These Englisch clothes must be getting to her. Why else would she say something so forward to a man who was practically a stranger to her?
    Zach stopped, forcing Lorie to do the same. His eyes deepened until they were as blue as the twilight sky. “He’s a smart guy.”
    â€œI do like you, you know.”
    â€œ Nay. I didn’t.” Well, she had sort of hoped, but then realized the futility of that wish. Why did it matter if he liked her? She was going back to Wells Landing. This was her last visit to the center. She would spend the rest of the summer attending her baptism instruction and doing everything in her power to go forward with her life.
    â€œWell, I do.”
    Her breath lodged in her throat. “I’ve got to go.” She didn’t know if Luke was even in the parking lot waiting for her, but she had to get out of there. She turned on the heel of her sassy new shoes and hurried toward the door.
    â€œLorie, wait.”
    His footsteps sounded behind her, increasing the speed of her steps.
    â€œLorie!” He caught her at the door.
    â€œZach, I—” She gulped.
    He turned as a small cough sounded behind him.
    Carol and Amber were watching their exchange with interested eyes.
    â€œCome on.” He clasped his hand around hers and pulled her out into the warm midday sun.
    â€œWhere are we going?” she asked as he tugged her through the rows of cars.
    â€œSomeplace where we can talk for a minute.”
    She planted her feet and refused to go any further. She might not be knowledgeable in the ways of the Englisch world, but she knew better than to get in the car with a man she barely knew. “No.”
    He must have sensed her fear or maybe it was the determined slant of her jaw. Whatever it was, he stopped. He released her hand and shoved his fingers into the back pockets of his jeans. “I just wanted to talk to you for a minute. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It would be cooler in my car. I could start the air conditioner.”
    She shook her head.
    He muttered

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