Lord Will & Her Grace
trembled. "Sophie, you must stop me now. I cannot do this to you. I
don't want to hurt you, my love."
    "No, my—my dearest William. It is I who do
this to you." She whispered it so quietly he had to dip his head to
catch her words.
    The sound of his name broke him. He gathered
her tightly to his chest and stood up. His glance swept the room,
searching for a place for them. In five long strides he found
himself before a long, brown velvet chaise lounge where upon he
placed his Sophie.
    She was so beautiful, the creamy expanse of
her breasts, her long, slender legs, the dreamy, loving expression
on her face. She reached her hand out to him, looking every inch
like Venus reincarnate.
    There was a certain desperate nature to his
wanting her. Gone from his mind were all the subtle seduction
techniques he had used with much success over the years. A primal
need to possess her surged through his body, refusing to allow his
mind to function in its steady, methodical manner.
    He fumbled with his buttoned flap, a curse
under his breath. He lay between her long, slender thighs and
rested his forehead against her shoulder, gulping a great lungful
of air.
    His hand sought the entrance to her and he
stroked her, gliding along the folds and finally pressing his palm
firmly against her. He gently entered her with one long finger and
felt her inner muscles clench against him. Moving rhythmically, and
slowly inside of her, he listened to her sighs.
    And suddenly a sort of cold calm invaded his
body. He kissed her, and raised his head to look down at her. "My
Sophie, I am about to take possession of you, you know that, don't
    "That is what we have both been doing to each
other all along, isn't it?" Her voice, so innocent and yet womanly
did not waver for a moment. "Come to me, my love. Let me hold
    She touched him then, urging him to take her.
Her fingers, timid and unsure, were more erotic than any skilled
courtesan's and his manhood had never felt so swollen with need. He
squeezed his eyes shut and didn't move. His size often overwhelmed
women and he had never dared to lie with a virgin. He hated the
idea of hurting her.
    William felt a warm, constant pressure on his
back and the backs of his legs and finally understood that it was
Sophie's long arms and legs urging him to mount her.
    He raised himself to meet her and
instinctively placed just the tip of himself inside her. He felt
heat and wetness, and his groin tightened to a pressure unknown in
its intensity.
    Yet he could not make himself move.
    Again, he felt the pressure of Sophie's arms
and legs, and heard soft cooing in his ear.
    He pushed just the slightest fraction of an
inch more inside of her and realized he was having great difficulty
breathing. His heart raced and he couldn't speak to her, comfort
her, tell her all the sentiments he should.
    She was not only his love, she was everything
he had forgotten about in his thirty-five years.
    Her soft sounds of encouragement stopped and
her breaths came in short gasps. He had placed too much weight on
her. Oh, everything was going all wrong. He was hurting her. She
was so moist and warm, yet his size was much too large for her
untried passage. He forced himself to speak. "Sophie, my love, I'm
so sorry."
    Her response was to pull him tighter toward
her, deeper within her. There was an awful sensation of slow
tearing while his length forged its way past her maidenhead to the
very core of her.
    He suddenly felt very much like crying for
the only time in his life.
    "I am yours, William. Now and forever," she
whispered into his ear.
    His seed burst from him in an endless, long
series of spasms. It felt like a transferal of part of the essence
of his spirit.
    It had not been remotely like any encounter
he had ever had with a female. For a few fleeting seconds he had
removed the iron curtain he used to cover his true self. And he
revolted against the idea of revealing any part of himself to
anyone. That involved trust, a

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