Lonely Souls
arm lightly, not expecting the charge I felt by the exchange.
    “No, you weren’t, but it’s kind of nice to hear you talking about it now.”
    The flutter came back, and this time, I let myself enjoy it. Maybe it was okay.
    “So do I get to open it?” I teased.
    “Into it now, huh?” His eyes sparkled.
    “Yep. Hand it over, buddy!” I laid out my hands.
    The white box was sitting on his lap, and he picked it up and placed it on my hands. It was really light, but it shifted slightly. The box had a mint green ribbon tied beautifully around it, and a pale yellow card sticking out from underneath the ribbon.
    “It’s pretty lightweight,” I said.
    “Go on. Open it. It’s a hint about today’s adventures. I’ll explain. Open it,” he said excitedly, his eyes full of anticipation.
    I had no idea what he was talking about, but I was thoroughly intrigued.
    Tugging at the ribbon, I finally snapped it with both my hands. I picked up the card, and he stopped me.
    “No, do the box first,” he said, softly touching my hand, sending chills up my spine.
    “Okay,” I whispered. Surprised by my reaction, I looked over at him and saw that the level of interest he held in his eyes was far more than I might be able to return. My heart fell a little, as I began building my walls up again.
    I put the card next to me on the bed and focused on the package once more. Lifting the top of the box from the lower portion, the first thing that greeted me was a layer of pale blue tissue paper with a silver sticker securing the paper.
    “You are so slow at this!” he exclaimed.
    I laughed and very slowly and deliberately glided my hand along the tissue paper, looking up and smiling at him at the same time. Not able to take it any longer myself, I opened it up and couldn’t believe what I saw.
    “Oh my word, Logan. I can’t believe this. How did you get all of these?”
    “I’ve got my ways.”
    There were beautifully framed photographs of my mom and me up at Stampede Pass. It was the last camping trip we had taken with Logan and his family before they moved.
    “Logan, this means so much. How did you get these?”
    “My mom and dad took a ton of pictures on that trip, and I’ve always known where they saved them. I intended on bringing them with me for you when I came out here for college, but they seem to have even more importance now.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead, his soft lips lingering on my skin.
    “Thank you,” I whispered, half wanting him to kiss me elsewhere, and the other half scolding myself for letting such thoughts enter my mind.
    He backed up and grabbed the card.
    “Now this,” he ordered, smiling at his little victory, and handed me the envelope.
    I tore open the envelope, and a cute puppy on its back, printed on the front of the card, warmed my heart. I opened the card and Logan had written something I couldn’t say no to.
    Stampede Pass today with me
    Dinner tonight with me, my mom, and your aunt!
    Happy Birthday!
    Always on your side,
    I looked back up at Logan. His breathing had slightly changed, and his eyes were desperately searching mine for something. Acceptance maybe? His smile started to diminish with every second that passed, and I realized he was taking my silence for refusal, and it meant nothing of the sort.
    “Thank you for the privilege to start over with you after all of these years. I don’t think I deserve a friend like you, but I’m certainly grateful for it,” I told him, scooting closer to him.
    “No, Triss. You’ve got that backwards. I’m lucky that you’ll allow me to be in your life,” he whispered, and kissed the top of my head.
    “I beg to differ,” I shot back.
    “Of course you do,” he playfully sighed. His smile reappeared. “Now your aunt and my mom are downstairs preparing a breakfast for you before we leave. So get ready quickly and meet me downstairs in ten.”
    “Not fifteen?” I asked, smiling.
    “That’s right ! You were a control

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