Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior

Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior by Anya Byrne

Book: Lone Wolf Pack 06 - A Future for His Werewolf Warrior by Anya Byrne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anya Byrne
    Mathias kissed down his chest and traced the lines of his abdomen with his tongue, each motion a study in a worshipful seduction that only he made possible. His hand kept pumping Ward's dick in a slow pace that threatened to drive Ward insane.
    Given the lazy rhythm and the maddening spell Mathias was weaving around him—and really maybe it was actual magic, because Ward couldn't remember being so aroused in his life—the moment Mathias took his cock in his mouth came like a shock to the system. It shouldn't have, of course. Things had obviously been heading in that direction. That didn't mean Ward was prepared for the pleasure that rushed over him. Somehow, he never was. Layers of pleasure settled onto him, piling on memories of remembered orgasms. He was completely and utterly at Mathias's mercy, and God help him, he loved it.
    Mathias didn't tease. They were past that point, past the seductive tricks the man often used to make Ward come undone. He bobbed his head up and down Ward's cock, sucking for all he was worth. Ward buried his fingers in his lover's hair and held on, trembling with the need to climax.
    He felt the incoming orgasm buzzing at the base of his spine, in every inch of his skin. Mathias was ruthless with him, to the extent that the suction and the need to come started to become painful.
    Ward couldn't have said what finally pushed him over the edge. It could have been the way Mathias took him into his throat and swallowed, or perhaps the tightening of Mathias's hold on his hips. Maybe it was the nudge of those claws that could easily tear him apart, but instead somehow made him feel protected. Or perhaps it was a combination of all those things and more, every sensation Mathias stirred inside Ward conspiring to steal his breath, to short-circuit his thought processes and stop his heart.
    Whatever the reason, the end result was the same. Ward found his peak, filling Mathias's mouth with his spunk. His lover drank down every drop, refusing to release Ward's dick, sucking him all throughout his climax. It was almost too much sensation for Ward's oversensitive cock, and he whimpered, not even knowing if he wanted to escape the sensation, or demand more.
    Mathias made the choice for him when he finally freed Ward's prick. Still floating pleasantly on the cloud of afterglow, Ward could only watch his lover as he tried to catch his breath.
    It seemed obvious that Mathias was nowhere near done with him. The man briefly pulled away, just long enough to take off his own clothes and discard his shoes. It was the first time Ward saw his lover fully naked, and arousal returned with a vengeance, pushing back the comfortable post-coital lassitude.
    Mathias was all rippled muscle and bronze skin, every inch of him screaming of barely veiled strength. Ward ached to reach out, to take his mate's cock in his hand, or better yet, in his mouth—but he didn't.
    Mathias leaned over him again and pinned him with a fierce look. When Ward met Mathias's eyes, he felt like he was falling, completely lost in that surreally beautiful gaze. It reminded him of the very first moment they'd met, when he'd faced the wolf he hadn't known was a man.
    Ward felt like prey now, but he wouldn't have changed a single thing about the moment. The world seemed brighter, the colors sharper. Ward didn't dare to move or to blink. He had no idea what he was afraid of, but he simply couldn't... He needed to memorize this, to remember Mathias in this particular instant in time.
    Why? What was special about seeing Mathias this way? Was it the mind-melting orgasm Ward had just experienced, or the fact that his lover's lips were still a little swollen from taking his cock? Was it the memory of seeing Mathias's tongue gather every drop of his spunk like it was the most delicious thing in the world?
    Ward wished he could be certain, but the truth was that he'd lost count of the ways he loved and needed Mathias. It was the color, he finally decided, the

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