Lokai's Curse

Lokai's Curse by J. Lee Coulter

Book: Lokai's Curse by J. Lee Coulter Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Lee Coulter
she did not know better she would have sworn that Lokai spelled her so she would not enjoy the repast.
    “You are missing them dearly. I am sorry that I am such a poor substitute, Garrick.” She sighed deeply as she watched raw pain cross his face before he masked it.
    He spoke gruffly. “Tis nae your fault…nor anyone else’s. Tis just the way of things right now. But aye, I miss them. The worst part is being immortal now. Seonaid will never agree ta that. She could nae bear the thought of watching our children die…and I can nae blame her. I am nae sure I can either. ”
    “Surely you jest! She loves you, Garrick. Beyond anything that the world has to offer her. And when the children are grown, Father would offer them the same gift if they wish it. You could all live in the Fae Realm…even partition a place to resemble your homeland.”
    He eyed her hopefully. He had not thought of that. They could create a never-ending paradise for their family right here, when the time was right. Garrick gave her a slight hug and a peck on her brow.
    “Thank ye, Diedre for giving me some hope. Lokai is a fortunate man t a have ye.”
    She sighed wistfully. “He does not even know I am alive at times. I know that he loves me but, I can feel him holding back. I tend to irritate him quite often in case you never noticed. Not on purpose, mind you, but just the same, I do.”
    Garrick arched a black brow at her. “Now ye jest, Diedre! Ye are utmost in his mind at all times. He could nae love ye more if he tried. Why else would he put up with all of your antics and predicaments?” He gave her a lop-sided grin. “God kens that I could nae!”
    Her eyes widened in astonishment. Could it be true? He did put up with her no matter how serious the crime.
    “If you are correct, Garrick, then why has he not told me so in all these moons? A woman needs to hear the words on occasion. Not too often though or the words begin to sound hollow…like saying ‘thank you’ or ‘good morn’ without a thought.” She furrowed her brow in concentration. “Yes, too often is not good.”
    He chuckled. Diedre was so naïve about certain things. It was refreshing to see it. Now he kenned why Lokai adored her so.
    “Did ye ever consider that he is afraid ta give ye power over his heart? He kens ye well and understands how ye could manipulate him with such knowledge. Do nae fear, Diedre. He has a great love for ye and one day he will nae be able ta contain it. The words will tumble out afore he can stop them…ye will see.”
    “I hope you are right, Garrick. I would love to hear them at least once in my life.” She yawned.
    “Mayhap ye should take a rest, Sister. Ye must nae over-tax yourself and the bairn.”
    She nodded. “I am a bit sleepy. Will you be alright?”
    “Aye. Ye have eased me mind somewhat and for that I thank ye. Go and rest. I will be fine.”
    “Very well.” The air shimmered then she faded from sight.
    Garrick stared at the spot where Diedre had been moments before. I do nae think I will ever get used ta that. Tis very disconcerting. He shook his head to clear it and groaned inwardly. Ah, mo cridhe, I miss ye so much.
    Garrick? Seonaid hugged herself tightly as she stood on the castle walk. She could have sworn that she heard him call out to her. That was nae possible…was it? Could he reach out to her from the netherworld? Her body shook with the possibility. Perhaps she could reach him as he had reached her when she had been so close to death. She shook her head. Nay, tis too risky. The bairns need me. I can nae take the chance that I may nae return.
    Warm arms wrapped around her startling her from her reverie. “You must come eat, daughter. Standing on the ramparts will change nothing . You could catch a chill, as well.”
    She released a painful sigh, nodding. “I ken it, Da, yet I can nae seem to stop myself. I keep hoping that Lokai is wrong…that he will come galloping toward me at any moment…hale and

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