Locker Room Blitz (sWet)

Locker Room Blitz (sWet) by Sadira

Book: Locker Room Blitz (sWet) by Sadira Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadira
Tags: Erótica
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    Breaking into the locker room of the local professional football team probably wasn’t the smartest thing Angelica had ever done. Having gone so far as to enter the dressing area near the showers, she figured there was no sense getting cold feet now. She'd done it to get an interview. With any of them. Hell, she didn't care if it was the star quarterback or a third-string reject. She just wanted to talk with someone . What she hadn't counted on was a player already being there when she crept around the corner near the showers.
    The big man sat there nursing some kind of leg injury. Angelica didn't really care at that point. Her heart pounded when his intense green eyes snapped to hers. The forbidding look she saw their nearly buckled her knees and sent her running all at the same time.
    He was dressed only in a white towel which contrasted nicely against his sun-bronzed skin. Muscles rippled with every movement and, for the first time, Angelica realized what she'd gotten herself into. These men were big, powerful men. Built to take the punishment of men equally as big and powerful. A woman like her—slight and thin—had very little hope of fending one of them off if he chose to kick her out. Or worse.
    "What the blue fuck are you doing in here?" He stood, favoring his left leg slightly. Heaven help her, but he towered over her. Angelica had never felt so small in her life!
    "I—" She cleared her throat and said the only thing she could think of. "I'm Angelica Whetter with WSXT radio. You were taken out during the beginning of the third quarter. What does this mean for your team?"
    He blinked at her before sitting down heavily, a grin beginning to curve the harsh angles of what turned into a sensual-looking mouth. "Really? Whetter? WSXT? Are you fucking kidding?"
    Irritation flashed through her. As if she hadn't ever heard that one. "Yes. Really. Surely you could come up with something more original than making fun of my name and the station I work for."
    "How about this then. There's no way you're getting out of this locker room without letting me see if that ridiculous pairing of your name and place of employment fit the woman."
    That persistent shiver that had overtaken her body since she'd first seen this man resumed its torment. She was tempted to tell him to go to hell, but, damn if she didn't want to let him find out. If the size of the tent appearing in the towel was any indication, she could really enjoy herself.
    She raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really. Looks like you're not in much of a position to make that happen." She nodded at his leg. "I bet I could outrun you even in my stilettos."
    His smile widened. "Care to make a wager on that?"

    Angelica didn't respond. She simply turned and sprinted for the door as fast as her gold spiked heels would carry her. A warm chuckle tickled her ear as an arm snaked around her and pulled her against a very hard, very warm body. His cock pressed tightly against her ass.
    "Oh, no. You're not going anywhere. And if the way your nipples are poking against that silk blouse are any indication, I don't think you want to go anywhere."
    Lord, he was right. She didn't. But there was no way she could simply give into him without ruining her reputation with the local teams. This was her job, goddammit!
    "Let me go or I do some permanent damage." For emphasis, she rested the heel of her shoe just below his knee. She could rake down his shin to his bare toes and break the delicate bones in his foot if she did it hard enough.
    His answer was to bury his face in the side of her neck and inhale deeply. "You know, I have all kinds of women throwing themselves at me. Every single fucking day of the week. But I don't think I've ever smelled anyone—man or woman—as fucking horny as you smell right now."
    That was it. Her knees went weak and she melted into him. Vic. His name was Vic. She remembered from the last time she'd interviewed the team. He was a linebacker.

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