Lockdown (AM13 Outbreak Series)

Lockdown (AM13 Outbreak Series) by Samie Sands

Book: Lockdown (AM13 Outbreak Series) by Samie Sands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samie Sands
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things I’ve scrolled through before, but paid no attention to. Now that I’m seeing it with new knowledge, the morbidity of it makes me feel sick.
    It states that if you get bitten, it’s too late for you. By the time you’re showing the early signs of the AM13 virus, you’re ‘already dead.’ The flu-like symptoms will be followed by your organs shutting down. This will cause searing agony and horrendous hallucinations, eventually leading to the comatose, ‘zombie’ state. The writer of this post suggests that at this stage, you’re classified as dead, and that there’s no cure or comeback from this.
    From what I’ve seen, I think I actually agree with this! Even if someone had brought that woman from outside back, how much brain function would she be able to maintain? The damage to her body was horrendous, plus the killings…how much of that would she remember? Maybe the AM13 virus really is fatal. If so, how long would you remain in that in-between state before you actually die?
    According to this, the infected have to be killed—but that doesn’t seem right, does it? Surely the virus will eventually kill them completely, especially if their insides are failing. If I were to take this article at its word, then I’d be forced to believe that not only do you have to murder the infected, but you also have to completely destroy the brain. Shooting them in the head seems like the only way to do that, and that’s where I would fail. If I did make the completely irrational choice to go out there , I’d never be able to kill. Not even if I had a gun at my disposal.
    It’s not that I don’t have faith in the armed forces to wipe out the infected for me—which is clearly what they are really doing out there. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is no ‘specialised medical facility’ either. That’s probably just a ploy to get you somewhere safe to be murdered—it’s just that we did see three infected, right outside our office building. I couldn’t be one hundred percent certain I wouldn’t come across any. And if I did, I wouldn’t know what to do.
    I can’t help but think that when this all comes to an end, won’t there be consequences for killing people—even the infected, in self-defence? If the armed forces are doing it under instructions, then I’m sure that’s okay, but for normal, everyday people, I’m certain the rules must be different.
    Eventually the others wander into the office one by one, causing me to hide what I’m researching. I don’t know why I feel the need to be secretive—I’m sure that if someone saw, they wouldn’t be suspicious, but I want to keep it to myself all the same.
    As soon as I see Michelle, she looks at me with a guilty, saddened expression that really tugs at my heartstrings. She actually feels bad for her rant yesterday!
    As she sits down beside me, she quietly whispers, “I’m sorry; I think I was suffering from cabin fever yesterday.” She laughs weakly, but I’m nowhere near fooled.
    The choice that I made somewhere along the line, but solidified in my mind last night, finally comes to the forefront of my thoughts. A nervous, panicky feeling rises up, but it’s mixed with something else. Something positive. Am I really , honestly considering this? I can’t explain it, not even to myself, but I am. If I don’t do this, then I’ll spend the rest of my life blaming myself and wondering ‘what if?’
    I take one of the pieces of paper containing my notes, and write a simple message on it to show my best friend.
    I’m getting out of here.
    She looks up at me, shock in her eyes. After a few moments, a smile starts to play on her lips.
    She writes back:
    Me too.
    I examine her expression. Is she serious, or is she just saying that because of me? No, she wants to do this. She was the first one to verbalise it. Deep down, I knew she was going to agree to it, which is probably what has given me the confidence to really think

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