Living in Syn

Living in Syn by Bobby Draughon Page B

Book: Living in Syn by Bobby Draughon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobby Draughon
be destroyed and the body paralyzed.  It just couldn't happen. 
Everything that Paradox does revolves around our inviolable law that synthetics
must never harm humans!"
started to talk soothingly saying, "Now Chandler, we know that saying
something isn't possible isn’t a realistic ... "
    Major Pierce
broke in.  "Wait a minute.  You're making these absolute statements like
they are carved into stone tablets.  Isn't it true that synthetics go crazy
every day and harm humans?"
looked adamant as he said, "Less than one in 500,000 harms a human.  A
greater percentage of ministers kill people.  A greater percentage of
grandmothers assault people.  As a matter of fact, the odds are much greater
that the adults in the home will be killed by their own children, than by their
synthetic.  Automobiles kill over 1000 times more people per capita and aircars
more than 600 times.  In fact, if you look at the statistics, you will see that
... "
General interrupted, "Yes, yes.  I read your sales brochures.  I believe
the Major has noted your statement that it is impossible to modify a synthetic
to harm a human, and asked how you explain the current situation.  So, I repeat
his question, don't synthetics harm humans every day?"
exerted considerable effort to hold his temper and he spoke very deliberately. 
"Yes, a minute fraction of our synthetics develop mental disturbances so
severe that they sometimes harm humans before they can be destroyed."
would it be possible to cultivate this aberrant behavior to develop a group of
started to answer and then Fenwicke interrupted saying, "Chandler, I
really believe Susan is best qualified to answer this one."
you’re right.  Susan?"
... I suppose anything is possible, but my staff correlates billions upon
billions of factors to find why a mental breakdown occurs, and we haven't a
clue.  In this sense, synthetics are like people in that each is a complete
individual.  But to take this even further, we see that as central processing
breaks down enough for violent behavior to occur, brain functions degrade
across the board.  The thought that anyone could control and direct a synthetic
with this degree of mental damage is ridiculous.  It couldn't happen."
smiled.  The Major and the General looked at each other hesitantly.  Finally,
Fenwicke Matlin spoke up.  "Now, as much as I enjoy spinning my wheels,
this idle speculation gets us nowhere.  Which is where we happen to be at the
moment.  So why don't you drop this cards held close to the vest crap,
and tell us what has you worried?"    
General considered.  "All right.  All right, that's what we'll do.  Over
the past six months, we found seven instances reported that involve a synthetic
trained as an assassin."
impact of the statement pushed the group into an uproar.  No one believed it. 
Hunt's voice rose over all the others.  "Is this what the fuss is about? 
The Fundamentalists have screamed monster since before we sold our first
synthetic.  If only you had checked, you would know they wage a constant war
against us with boycotts, law suits, and out and out harassment.  They managed
118 rape charges against synthetics last year.  No convictions, but they got Synthetic
Held on Charges of Raping a 12 Year Old headlines in all the major papers. 
The stories on the acquittals a year afterward appeared on page 27.  More than
20,000 synthetics suffered attacks last year from spray painting to physical
damage all the way to destruction.  We just can't lay down and play dead for a
group that probably protested the first automobile.  You have to recognize ...
Hunt!  Chandler.  We know about your difficulties with certain extremist groups. 
We corroborated these case reports with overwhelming physical evidence and eye
witness testimony.  They are not tainted by philosophy or religion."
looked toward the ceiling.  "I don't

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