Living a Lie
Georgie said, wouldn’t it be better at least to keep in touch with him rather than cut him out of her life altogether? Kitty had agonised, gone without sleep and prayed that she had done the right thing for both of them. She and Georgie had talked about it, argued and pondered. In the end Kitty decided that whichever way she turned, she would be doing wrong. There was an emptiness in her heart that nothing could fill, and now she was going away. Soon strangers would be here to collect her, and she was afraid. Only the thought of Harry kept her strong.
    A sound at the door made her look up. It was Georgie.

Chapter Five
    It was Monday morning. Kitty was seated cross-legged on her bed.
    Beside her lay two white envelopes, one addressed to her Aunt Mildred, the other to Harry.
    In the bright morning light, her gaze fell on the letters. Reaching out she picked up Harry’s and held it to her lips. She could still feel his kisses on her mouth, still feel his warm strong arms about her. Since the party, she had questioned herself over and over. Should she send the letter, or should she tear it up? Was it right to leave things as they were? Or, like Georgie said, wouldn’t it be better at least to keep in touch with him rather than cut him out of her life altogether? Kitty had agonised, gone without sleep and prayed that she had done the right thing for both of them. She and Georgie had talked about it, argued and pondered. In the end Kitty decided that whichever way she turned, she would be doing wrong. There was an emptiness in her heart that nothing could fill, and now she was going away. Soon strangers would be here to collect her, and she was afraid. Only the thought of Harry kept her strong.
    A sound at the door made her look up. It was Georgie.
    “They’re here, gal,” she said.
    “Miss Davis has them in her office … they’re drinking coffee, would you believe? Here we are, about to be thrown to the wolves, and all they can do is drink bloody coffee!” She flung herself on the bed with such force that Kitty bounced up into the air.
    She had tried so hard not to show her feelings. Now, with Georgie beside her, and their parting so close, the words tumbled out.
    “I’m frightened, Georgie. I wish I didn’t have to go. I wish we weren’t leaving, you and me.”
    “Hey!” Georgie gave her a playful push.
    “You speak for yourself, my girl! I’m sorry to be leaving you behind, but we’ve already said we’ll keep in touch, so it ain’t as if we’ll never see each other again, is it? But I’m glad to be getting my own place at last. To tell the truth, I can’t wait to get my arse out of here!” She gave a little whoop of joy.
    “My own front door key, eh? And what about you? A proper family of your very own, and from what you tell me … a bedroom big enough to entertain a dozen blokes at a time!”
    Kitty couldn’t help but laugh.
    “What would I want with a dozen blokes?” Instinctively she glanced at Harry’s letter.
    “Ah!” Georgie caught sight of the name and address on the envelope.
    “You did write it after all?”
    “I don’t know if I’ll post it though.” Once it was out of her hands it would be too late.
    “What have you told him?”
    “That I’m sorry we parted the way we did, and that I was wrong to think it would be better if we never saw each other again. I’ve asked him to write, and given him the address of where I’m going.”
    “Did you tell him how you feel? I mean… how you
    really feel about him? Did you say you wanted the same things he did. that you need him to wait for you, and there is nothing more in all the world you want, other than to be with him? Did you tell him that? “
    Kitty lowered her gaze.
    “No, I didn’t say those things.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because it would be asking too much of him, and I won’t do that.”
    “It’s what he wants.”
    “It’s what he thinks he wants.” Kitty shook her head.
    “Harry is good and kind. He’s always

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