Lily's List
her to stop or to continue. Fumbling,
he managed to get a condom from his back pocket and tear open the
    “Let me.” Lily took the condom from him and
rolled the latex over his cock. Carson closed his eyes and tried to
breathe. When she leaned forward and nipped at his chest, he lost
    His hand dove between her thighs, pushing
away the thin fabric strip. He said a prayer of thanks when he
touched her wet heat. She was as ready as he was.
    “Carson!” He loved the sound of his name on
her lips, especially when it was tinged with desperation and
    “What do you want?” He pressed a finger into
her pussy, shuddering when her inner muscles grabbed it tight.
“Tell me.” When he pulled his finger out, he curled it upward and
stroked the sensitive tissue on the top.
    “Fuck me.” Her fingers dug into his shoulders
and arched toward him.
    Shoving her legs wider, he positioned himself
against her opening. “Lily.” He wanted to say more but couldn’t
manage any more than her name as he surged into her. He felt her
tense, her body stretching to accommodate him. Sucking in a breath,
he tried to get some control, slowing his penetration, giving her
time to get used to him.
    Every ripple of her inner muscles around his
cock was torture. He was surprised he hadn’t already come. His body
demanded he move. He wrapped his hands around her waist, lifted her
about an inch and then pulled her back down. He sank deeper into
her, groaning with undisguised pleasure. He wasn’t all the way in,
not yet. But he was close.
    “Take all of me.” He wanted her to want him,
to claim all of him.
    “Yes,” she hissed. Bracing herself against
his shoulders, she began to lever herself up and then lower
herself. Carson pumped his hips upward on her downstroke, pushing
hard until she was taking all of him with every thrust.
    He leaned forward, captured her lush lips and
thrust his tongue deep. He wanted to consume her. Their mouths
mated as their bodies slid together in a desperate dance, both of
them reaching for completion. Carson felt the explosion start at
the root of his cock, rocket up the shaft and out the top.
    Tipping his head back, he yelled her name as
he pumped his hips hard. Lily’s fingernails scored his upper arms
and she screamed. Her inner muscles spasmed hard, trapping his cock
in a silken vise, prolonging his orgasm.
    Lily shuddered and fell forward. Carson
enfolded her in his arms, holding her as aftershocks shook them
both. He’d never had this kind of release before. For a second,
he’d thought the top of his head would come off.
    As sanity returned, he was very aware of
where they were. He hadn’t shown very much finesse. He’d all but
ripped her clothing off her and fucked her, and in the front seat
of his truck, no less. So much for waiting until the time was right
and setting the stage with silk sheets and flowers.
    A bead of sweat rolled down his temple and he
heaved a sigh. Not exactly the romantic interlude he’d promised
her, but he couldn’t regret it. Making love to Lily was unlike
anything he’d ever experienced. Their connection was more than just
physical. It went much deeper.
    Lily stirred in his arms and he nudged her
chin up so that she was looking at him. She shot him a sleepy,
satisfied smile. “Hey, beautiful lady.” He brushed a lock of her
brown hair off her forehead. “How are you feeling?”
    “Wonderful.” Her inner muscles tightened
around him and he groaned and laughed at the same time.
    As much as he wanted to stay like this, he
knew they had to move. Someone could come along at any time. For
all he knew they were on private property. “We’ve got to move,
    She mumbled something he couldn’t make out,
but began to shift position. Carson helped her sit up and held the
condom tight as he slipped out of her. He immediately missed the
warmth of her body against his. Grabbing a tissue from a box on the
console, he removed the condom and cleaned

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