Lily's List
taken the back roads, avoiding the faster
highway. Normally, he enjoyed the scenery and the more leisurely
pace. Today, he noticed none of it. It was taking all his focus
just to stay on the road. He couldn’t think about the woman next to
him or he might put them into a ditch. He hadn’t been this primed
and ready to pounce since he was a teenager.
    Lily had an unconscious sensuality about her
that drove him wild. Watching her model lingerie this morning had
been a fantasy come true. Her legs were long and supple, her arms
slender but strong. Breasts, small but firm, had peeked out at him
from beneath slinky nightgowns and he caught a fleeting glimpse of
her pussy. He’d been hard as a rock for hours with no end in
    He’d hoped that lunch would cool things down,
but no go. He had only himself to blame for that. Teasing Lily had
backfired big-time.
    He barely suppressed a groan at the memory of
Lily opening her mouth and taking the jumbo dog deep. He
desperately tried not to think about it, but the memory wouldn’t
stop tormenting him. He could easily imagine her lips parting to
take his cock into her mouth.
    That, of course, had been the point.
    He tightened his hands on the wheel as he
drove, not daring to glance her way. She looked ripe and ready for
the taking, and he was walking a jagged edge. Something about her
made him feel primitive and desperate.
    He didn’t feel as though she were his yet and
knew he wouldn’t until he’d had her. Lily wasn’t the type of woman
to sleep around. If she made love with him it would mean something,
it would be a commitment of sorts. Maybe not the kind he wanted,
but it was a start.
    “You okay?” He felt her hand on his arm and
braced himself against the onslaught of emotions battering him.
    “Yeah. No.” He swiped his hand through his
hair, dislodging the thong that held it back. Swearing, he grabbed
at the tie, but it was too late. He could sense Lily’s concern and
felt like an idiot. “Really, I’m fine.” Yeah, if fine meant he was
going to come in his pants any second.
    “I could make you feel better.” Her husky
promise was punctuated with a caress as she stroked his arm and
then let her hand slide onto his lap.
    Carson’s mind went blank and his hands
automatically turned the wheel of the truck, sending it off the
main road and down a small dirt one. Blindly he searched for what
he was looking for and almost gave a shout of celebration when he
found it. Turning the wheel again, he took the truck through a
small opening in a copse of trees. When he was sure it was fairly
well hidden, he stopped and turned off the ignition. The vehicle
had barely stopped rocking when he shoved back the seat as far as
it would go, unlatched his seat belt and reached for Lily, who was
already moving toward him.
    “Come here.” He pulled her onto his lap so
that her legs were on either side of his hips. Placing a hand on
her back, he arched his hips and ground his pelvis against hers.
Their heavy panting filled the truck as he struggled to pull off
her blouse. Their hands got tangled as she tugged at his shirt.
“Damn,” he swore as he practically ripped his shirt over his head.
All that mattered was getting it off so Lily could touch him. By
the time he tossed his shirt aside, Lily had disposed of her
    His hands went straight to her pants. He
needed her naked. The button popped and pinged off the floor as he
tore at her zipper. He pushed and she lifted herself, and between
the two of them they got her pants off, removing her shoes in the
    He stopped and stared at the vision she made
perched on his lap. Lavender lace cupped her breasts and cinched
her waist. His cock throbbed and his balls pulled up tight against
his body.
    He was out of time.
    He ripped open the button on his jeans and
shoved the zipper down. “Condom,” he gasped as her nimble hands
reached beneath his boxers to caress his hard length. “God, Lily.”
He wasn’t sure if he wanted

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