Light Switch
I scaring you?”
    “No, Sir.”
    “Good.” He kissed just below my ear. “I’m not in this for your fear, only your…?”
    “Submission, Sir.”
    “Good girl.” The hand on my breast moved down, his fingertips tracing a ticklish path over my abdomen. I couldn’t breathe as they continued over my hip and between my thighs. When his fingers found my clit, I sent up a silent prayer of thanks that Scott’s body was still against me because it was the only thing keeping my trembling knees from abandoning me to gravity.
    Electricity surged from my pussy every time his fingers moved. He circled a few times in one direction, then made a single, slow arc in the other, then back the first way, daring me to even try to get used to one rhythm before he’d change it again. Jesus, where did he learn to do that ?
    He kissed my neck. “Whatever I say tonight, you’ll do.” His fingers continued teasing my clit as he spoke. “Whatever I do, you’ll accept. Is that clear?”
    “Yes, Sir.” My voice shook as badly as my knees.
    “And, just like last time,” he murmured, letting his lips touch my neck, “you’re not to come until I allow it.” Circle. Circle. Arc. Circle.
    I gulped. “Yes, Sir.”
    “Good girl.” After a few more maddening arcs and circles, his fingers left my clit. His hand drifted away from my pussy, then lifted off my body altogether. The hand on my throat released me. When he stepped back, my knees nearly buckled, but I kept myself upright. Barely.
    Scott walked around me again, and when he stopped, he faced me.
    “Take my shirt off.”
    I quickly did as I was told: unbuttoned it, pushed it over his shoulders, tugged the rolled-up sleeves free before drawing them down his arms. When his shirt had fallen to the floor beside my clothes, I dropped my arms to my sides and waited for his next order.
    “There’s a condom in the back left pocket of my jeans. Get it out.”
    My heart pounded. Willing my hand to be steady, I reached around him and slid my hand into his back pocket. Body heat teased my fingers through denim. Had he been any other man, I’d have taken the opportunity to cop a feel on that gorgeous ass and given him a playful squeeze. Under these circumstances, I didn’t dare.
    My fingertips grazed the edge of the foil square, and this was real. We were really going to do this. He was going to fuck me tonight. A nervous shudder caught my breath in my throat.
    I brought my hand back, letting it hover between us with my fingers wrapped loosely around the condom.
    Scott extended his hand, holding it palm up just inches from mine. “Give it to me.”
    Biting my lip, I chanced a look at his face. At his eyes. His steely expression echoed his simple command, and when I dropped my gaze again, his outstretched hand still awaited my obedience.
    Drawing a deep breath, I laid the condom in his hand.
    Oh yes, we were really doing this. Tonight .
    Scott turned away and set the condom on the nightstand, keeping it within reach. He faced me again, and we were back to this unsettling quiet. As always, I had no idea what he was going to do next. All I could do was wait, knowing nothing beyond the fact that whatever he did come up with, I would obey.
    And, as always, he did the last thing I expected: he gently cupped both sides of my face, kissed my forehead, and stroked my hair. I closed my eyes. The tenderness of his touch was an illusion, something to throw me off and make me drop my guard. It had to be.
    Then he kissed me. A long, tender kiss. A lover’s kiss. One minute, his lips formed stern demands, the next they softly moved with mine. The gentle sensuality of his kiss, of him, made my head spin. The warmth of his body against mine. A subtle hint of cologne. The heady sweetness of wine on his tongue. I desperately wanted to run my fingers through his hair and pull him closer, but I didn’t dare touch him unless he bid me to do so.
    He broke the kiss. Our eyes met, but I quickly dropped my gaze.

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