Light My Fire

Light My Fire by Jodi Redford

Book: Light My Fire by Jodi Redford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Redford
Tags: Romance
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    He scraped his boots on the mat before stepping inside. “Nice place. I didn’t have a chance to tell you so last night.”
    Her heart filled with a warm glow. Her house might not be palatial or luxurious, but it was home. The only one she’d known. Out of nowhere, an icy sliver of realization slid down her spine. If she accepted the sacrificial bond with Aiden and Jace, she’d be forced to give up not only her freedom but this house as well.
    “Are you all right? You look a little pale.”
    She swallowed past the bitter lump congealing in her windpipe. “I’m fine. Why don’t you go wash your hands in the bathroom?” She probably sounded like his mother. Oh well.
    Abandoning him for the kitchen, she grabbed three plates from the cupboard and removed the steaks from the microwave. They seemed considerably smaller than they were forty-five minutes ago. And sort of rubbery. Stabbing them with a fork, she dropped each onto a plate. “Hmm, are they supposed to bounce like that?” Uncertain, she sprinkled each steak with a healthy dash of La Luna’s signature five-pepper-blend seasoning and transported them to the table.
    The tread of boots thumped on the linoleum behind her. She turned, the blood pumping faster in her veins when she spotted Aiden. Damn it, why couldn’t he be humpbacked and covered with warts? It’d go a long way toward fighting this urge to tackle him to the ground and lick him like a big ole lollipop.
    To stop herself from stroking a finger over his bristly jaw, she fiddled with the hem of her sweater. “Jace is washing up. Feel free to do the same after he’s done.”
    He nodded, his attention drifting to the table. She couldn’t be certain, but she swore he gulped when he saw the steaks. Whistling floated from the hallway and Aiden snapped out of the stupor the sight of his dinner had trapped him in. “Sounds like Jace is finished.” Granting the table one last wary glance, he pivoted and made tracks for the bathroom.
    Pulling out her seat, she plopped down and stared at the unappetizing meal resting in front of her. “The things I do in the name of survival.”
    Jace strode into the kitchen and flashed a grin. “Where should I sit?”
    She pointed to the chair across from her. He scooted it away from the table, making room for his long legs. Enfolding his large frame into the seat, he lowered his focus to the plate. His smile slipped. She had to hand it to him, he made a valiant attempt at hiding his revulsion.
    “Everything looks…ah…tasty.”
    “Dig in.”
    He actually looked slightly terrified. Displaying the speed of a tortoise, he reached for his fork. It wobbled in his grip. Bypassing the steak, he speared a couple of celery pieces instead and soon the sounds of monotonous crunching filled the kitchen. Her steak sat on her plate, mocking her. Dragging in a deep breath, she reached for her knife and sawed through the block of charcoal trying to pass itself off as meat. She looked up, found Jace watching her, and cocked an eyebrow in challenge. Squaring his jaw, he snatched his knife and chiseled a chunk of steak free. He popped it into his mouth just as Aiden walked into the kitchen.
    Jace ground through two difficult chews before his face suddenly blazed fire-engine red. A weird rasp chuffed from his throat and he scrunched his nose.
    “ Shit .” The expletive shot from Aiden. “Did he just eat cayenne pepper?”
    She frowned. “It’s in the steak seasoning. Why?”
    “He’s allergic.”
    Another of those ominous rumbles shook through Jace, and Aiden dove for Dana. He hauled her to the floor as a plume of fire erupted from Jace’s mouth, licking the air with blue-tipped flames. A nasty stench similar to burning plastic filled the room. Lifting her head, she stared at the melted remains of the silk flower arrangement sitting in the center of the table. She started to stand but Aiden pinned her leg.
    “Coast might not be clear.”
    As if to verify Aiden’s

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